




1.主题 张 年 : 1 % Steelers Heat:1 % 主题 Carpe:1 % 底特律活塞队 Detroit Pistons:1 % ...

2.卡培阿拉斯加巨大的麦金利山侧的冰川上,两位出色的登山员卡培(Carpe)和科文(Koven)甚至献出了自己的生命,换回了在如此接 …

3.卡比)、克罗索(Crosson)、柯文(Coven)、卡比(Carpe)、银座(Silverthrone)和布鲁克斯等终年覆盖著白雪与千年冰河的著名高掌, …


1.Thank you Mr. Pitts. "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. " The Latin term for that sentiment is Carpe Diem. Now who knows what that means?谢谢。“及时采拮你的花蕾”,这种感慨用拉丁语说就叫“卡匹迪恩”,有谁知道是什么意思吗?

2.with Carpe diem Kombucha and mix. Serve it with a slice of lime and a Physalis!特加和白橙皮,注满森博加混合,饰以一片莱姆。

3.Another Valentine's Day without a Valentine. I hope today will be a fresh new start for me. Hurry. Seize the day. Carpe Diem!又一个没有情人的情人节。希望今天我的人生会有一个新开始。快,把握今天。

4.With "Carpe diem" as his life motto, he tried to look at things in perspective, trying hard to never forget how lucky he was.以“Carpediem”(拉丁语,意为把握时光,及时行乐)为人生的座右铭,他曾努力长远打算,努力使自己永不忘记自己有多么幸运。

5.And then I saw Dead Poets Society and I heard for the first time the words "Carpe diem" .后来,我看了《死亡诗社》,第一次听到了“及时行乐,抓住今天”(Carpediem)这句话。

6.Carpe diem, I tell myself, and try not to get bogged down with thoughts of the holidays.驾驭如今,我对本身说,并尽大要不受有关假期的杂事影响。

7.The Latin term for that sentiment is carpe diem.与此同义的拉丁文是

8.carpe . . . carpe diem . seize the day , boys . make your lives extraordinary.抓住现在。抓住每一天,孩子们。让你的生命不平凡。

9.Fourth, carpe diem means don't waste time. To do nothing is a crime. To procrastinate or be passive is a sin.第四,及时行乐意谓著不浪费时间。无所事事是一种罪过。拖延或被动是一种罪恶。人必须生活,而不只是存在!

10.Yes, it is tough and intense. I try to keep healthy and enjoy life more. "Carpe Diem" .是的,今年既艰苦又紧张。我试着保持健康并享受生活。“及时行乐”。