




1.后面那一个空不填 measure the amount 的意思是衡量金额 wheather 后面那一个空不填。 ...


1.Wheather it is going to bed on time, or finish your homework, think before you start complaining.不管是按时上床睡觉,还是完成作业,抱怨之前先思考。

2.All through my childhood we used to go hiking in the mountains every Sunday, whatever the wheather.在我整个童年时期,我们常常在周末去爬山,风雨无阻。

3.Rule One: You will receive a body. Wheather you love it or hate it, it's yours for life, so accept. What counts is what's inside.原则一:你将拥有一个肢体。不管你爱它与否,这就是你的,终身都是你的。所以接受它吧。身体里的内容才重要。

4.We have to stop the game becanse of the bad wheather.由于恶劣天气,我们只好停止比赛。

5.But the wheather was rainy and since i know france terrain, the force of panzer and luftwaffe would lack speed.但是,我知道法国的地形和异常的恶劣雨天,将影响德国的空军和装甲部队的速度。

6.He asked me wheather I had lunch or not .他问我我吃饭了吗

7.Today I see the sky, it's beautiful, but no moon. Wheather the moon forget, or me?今天的星空很美,没有月亮,是月亮忘记了,还是我忘记了。

8.Wheather in Jiangsu is getting cold, if you going outside you should wear more clothes.江苏的天气在变冷,如果外出应多穿衣服。如果傍晚病情还不好转,你就带他去医院打针。

9.In contrast to the wheather in Taiwan, the wheather here is cool and dry.跟台湾的天气不同,这里的天气又凉又乾。

10.Please check motor speed wheather work in slow circuit without any fast situation.检查电机是否只有慢转而无快转情况