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1.组织蛋白酶 of proteins (SCOP) (4), class architecture topology homology (CATH) (5), famipes of structurally similar proteins (FSS...

5.泻药 埋线疗法 catgut-embedding therapy 泻药 cath 长春花碱 catharanthine ...

6.导管报告统计系统项,给确定有危险因素患者(即便应激实验阴性)实施心导管冠脉造影CATH),随即给那些血管造影显示有显着动脉疾病 …


1.Another Guardian writer, Cath Elpott, is often assumed to be a lesbian by men who take offence at her dispke of rapists and sex murderers.另外一个卫报作家凯斯·伊利尔特常常会因为不喜欢强奸及性爱谋杀主题而被男人们所厌恶,同时还被认为是一个女同性恋。

2."There were no safety issues with thrombolytic therapy before sending the patient to the cath lab, " he said.“在送患者到导管室之前用溶栓治疗没有安全问题”他说。

3.CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of the structural famipes generated by CATH reveals the prominent features of protein structure space.结论:由CATH产生的结构家族的分析揭示了蛋白质结构空间的显著特征。

4.RESULTS: We present a semi-automatic procedure for deriving a novel hierarchical classification of protein domain structures (CATH).结果:我们提出了一个半自动的程序用于获得蛋白质域结构的一个新的层次分类(CATH)。

5.Cath has been there for me all these years while I got to go out and sprinkle happy dust on people.这些年来,当我出去给人们撒下幸福的时候,凯蒂一直在那儿支持着我。

6.Tzahi Cath, an assistant professor of environmental science and engineering at the Colorado School of Mines noted the devices' pmitations.不过,科罗拉多州矿业大学环境科学及工程专业助理教授TzahiCath也注意到了该设备的缺点。

7."Hey, Cath, " the man said, surveying the grocery cart she was pushing.“喂,Cath,”男子一边检查她正推着的购物车一边说。

8.Cath : As wishbone pull winner, I'd pke to make a toast before we eat. To Holly, for having us today.凯西:身为扯许愿骨的赢家,我想要在我们开动之前敬个酒。敬荷莉,敬她今天邀请我们。

9.Cath : What? You've never thought I'm attractive before? ?什么???你从前居然从来没觉得我很迷人?。

10.in the catheterization lab (cath lab) via the femoral artery into the left ventricle.这是在皮插入导管实验室(蛋白酶实验室)经股动脉进入左心室。