




1.佐佐木ar. sasaki),其所引用的标本为1911年佐佐木舜一 (Sasaki)采於高雄前镇的标本。


5.佐才部进展期胆囊癌患者接受HPD后5年OS率达29%;佐才Sasaki)等报告16例Ⅳ期胆囊癌患者接受扩大淋巴结清扫术+HPD治 …

6.佐佐木诏雄 风间利荣 、 (Kazama) (1980) 和佐佐木诏雄Sasaki) (1982) 等通过对日本新生代盆地粘土矿物和沸石类矿物成 …



1.Mr. Sasaki said the company had been considering whether to take action for some time.他说,公司此前一直在考虑是否要采取措施。

2.Local firefighters had tried to help Sasaki-san look for her aunt's body, but they moved on.消防员正在帮助泰子寻找她姨姨的遗体,但泰子继续自己动手。

3.Ms. Sasaki, who entered an elder care center in Tokyo this year, said she would not have survived the evacuation on her own.佐佐木今年进入了东京的一家养老中心,她说凭自己的力量是无法在疏散过程中活下来的。

4.Isamu Sasaki, who owns a painting company, showed up at the town hall on Tuesday to ask what to do about his staff.拥有一家涂装公司的佐佐木勇(IsamuSasaki)周二到镇公所询问他的员工该怎么办。

5.Despite days of searching, Mr. Sasaki said he hasn't found any trace of his home or the family print shop.佐佐木隆称,尽管搜寻了好几天,但他没能找到他家的房屋和家族印刷厂留下的任何痕迹。

6.The regulators' response, Mr. Sasaki said, was that Toyota couldn't expect that from every consumer.佐佐木真一说,监管方面的反应是,丰田不应该期望每个顾客都这么做。

7."We have to strengthen quapty control, " says Shinichi Sasaki, executive vice president for quapty.丰田公司质量执行副总佐佐木慎一(ShinichiSasaki)说:“我们必须加强品质管理。”

8."It could be a bomb to destroy both the DPJ and the LDP, " says Takeshi Sasaki of Gakushuin University in Tokyo.东京学习院大学的佐佐木毅认为“核能可能是一个摧坏自民党和民主党的炸弹”。

9.Mr. Sasaki, Toyota's customer-quapty chief, was among the attendees.丰田质量总监佐佐木真一也是与会者之一。

10.Ms. Sasaki staffs the help desk in the gymnasium, the urban center of this makeshift town.Sasaki女士目前在体育馆内的咨询台工作,那里是这个临时城镇的市中心。