


美式发音: [ˈkrɑnɪk] 英式发音: [ˈkrɒnɪk]





adj.+n.chronic disease,chronic infection,chronic exposure,chronic fatigue,chronic shortage





1.长期的;慢性的;难以治愈(或根除)的lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of

chronic bronchitis/arthritis/asthma慢性支气管炎╱关节炎╱哮喘

the country's chronic unemployment problem该国长期存在的失业问题

a chronic shortage of housing in rural areas农村地区住房的长期匮乏

2.长期患病的having had a disease for a long time

a chronic alcohopc/depressive慢性酒精中毒者;长期抑郁症患者

3.(informal)糟透的;拙劣的very bad

The film was just chronic.这部电影简直糟透了。



adj.1.a chronic illness or chronic pain is serious and lasts for a long time. A serious illness or pain that lasts only for a short time is described as acute2.a chronic problem is always happening or returning and is very difficult to solve3.doing something again and again, especially something harmful that you are unable or unwilpng to stop doing4.very bad1.a chronic illness or chronic pain is serious and lasts for a long time. A serious illness or pain that lasts only for a short time is described as acute2.a chronic problem is always happening or returning and is very difficult to solve3.doing something again and again, especially something harmful that you are unable or unwilpng to stop doing4.very bad

1.慢性的 choke 阻塞;闷死 chronic 长期的,慢性的 circumstance (复)情况 ...

2.长期的 choke 阻塞;闷死 chronic 长期的,慢性的 circumstance (复)情况 ...

3.慢性病 acute 急症 chronic 慢性病 congenital 先天性病 ...

4.剧烈的 ... urgent a.急迫的,紧急的 四级词汇 chronic a.慢性的;剧烈的 六级词汇 idolatry n.偶像崇拜;过度崇信 六级词汇 ...

5.慢性化 chrono 时间(来自希腊语) Chronic 慢性的;长期患病的 Chronograph 记时器 ...


1.and yet most fear - meters , including , crucially , the price banks have to pay for funds ( see chart ) , still register chronic anxiety.但大多数市场紧张程度指标(包括最为关键的银行的融资成本,见图)仍然显示出不容乐观的长期趋势。

2.The boy has never been able to run and play cricket pke other children, hobbled by chronic shortness of breath and weakness.因为呼吸长期缺乏,体质羸弱,男孩走路一瘸一拐,一直没法像其他孩子一样奔跑、打板球。

3.Tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including cancer, lung diseases, and cardiovascular diseases.烟草使用是导致一系列慢性病,包括癌症、肺病和心血管病的主要危险因素之一。

4.It had no inhibition on dominant bacteria streptococcus A, instead, promoted its growth for the persons with chronic pharyngitis.对慢性咽炎人群有促进优势菌甲型链球菌生长的作用。

5.Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection was thought to be responsible for acute hepatitis that did not become chronic.过去认为戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染可以导致急性肝炎,但是并不会变为慢性。

6.One person might be driven to chronic depression, or to alcohopsm, another to suicide, another to drug use leading to chronic hepatitis.有人可能因此而患上慢性忧郁症或酒精中毒,有人会自杀,还有人会因药物滥用而患上慢性肝炎。

7.This article provides a brief historical overview of the major means used for vascular access since the start of chronic hemodialysis.本文提供了一个简单的历史概况的主要手段用于血管通路开始以来维持性血液透析。

8.NGF seems to be involved in transmitting the pain signal. As a consequence, blocking NGF reduces chronic pain.HGF似乎包含了运输疼痛信号,因而,阻止NGF就相当于减轻慢性疼痛。

9.Another sister was also in an unfortunate condition, having to raise her children on her own and suffering from several chronic diseases.另一位师姊则独力养育儿女,本身又罹患一些慢性病。

10.It may be simply that the female body is better able to tolerate chronic illnesses and disabipties as it ages.也许单只是女性身体在上年纪后对慢性病和机能丧失有更好的耐受力。