




1.维达他任职最后一天,他的「狗同事」──也就是老板的爱犬维达(Vader) 居然将所有心爱的玩具咬到他面前,希望他能够留下来。

2.维德 搞烂它 Ruining It For Everybody 黑武士维德乐团 Vader 欢迎来到罪恶帝国 Welcome To The Morbid Re…

4.残忍死 Behemoth( 黑金属,死亡金属) Vader残忍死) Portugal( 葡萄牙) ...

5.维达乐队 Tristania( 特瑞斯坦) VADER维达乐队) WITHIN TEMPTATION( 诱惑 …

6.威德 VSHENG/ 为胜 VADER/ 威德 GUB/ 金盟 ...


1.She was one of a set of twins, born in secrecy and protected from Vader and the Emperor.阿纳金的妻子秘密生下了一对双胞胎,莱娅就是其中的妹妹,她被保护起来,免受维德和皇帝的伤害。

2.Entrenched in the dark side, Vader marched to the temple with a column of loyal clone troopers, gutting the sacred edifice from within.深陷黑暗面的维德带着一队忠诚的克隆人士兵向圣殿进军,从内部血洗这座神圣的建筑。

3.Luke confronted Vader in Bespin's Cloud City, and was bested by him in a pghtsaber duel.卢克在贝斯平遭遇维德,并在光剑决斗中落败。

4.As if you were the only one! What was it you told Vader?如果你是唯一的反叛者!那你对维达说了什么?

5.In the confusion that followed, the remaining wingman colpded with Vader's ship, sending the Dark Lord spinning out of control into space.在随后的混乱中,另外一架僚机撞上维德的座机,导致这位黑暗尊主失去控制,翻滚坠入太空。

6.Possessed by the dark side, Kyp was determined to be the first new Dark Lord since the deaths of the Emperor and Vader.基普受到黑暗面的支配,决心成为继皇帝和维德死后第一个新黑暗尊主。

7.Ahsoka fell on her knees, hilt dropping out of her hand. Vader deactivated his blade, watching her collapse to the ground.阿索卡跌坐下来,光剑柄从她的手中滑落。维达关闭了他的光剑,看着她倒在地上。

8.When the Falcon escaped Hoth, Darth Vader made it a priority to have it captured.千年隼逃离霍斯后,维德下令,将之俘获是第一要务。

9.He urged Vader not to press on in a fight he could not win, but the Sith Lord's arrogance got the better of him.他恳求维德别再冲上来了,因为这场战斗他赢不了,但西斯尊主的狂妄自大占据着维德。

10.You can start to put the pieces together of how he got to be Darth Vader, and that's fun.你可以开始将拼图拼凑在一起,看出他是如何变成达斯·维达的,这很有趣。