


美式发音: 英式发音: 





int.1.a way of writing the sound that someone makes when they are sleeping, often used in cartoons

na.1.Same as zigzag

1.打鼾声 zygomata 颧骨, 颧骨突起 查看>> zzz 打鼾声 查看>> zyzzyva [动]象鼻虫 查看>> ...

2.睡觉 /stand - 站起来 /zzz - 睡觉 /angry - 发怒的十字框框 ...

3.睡著了 * zip 你咻~~的一声跑过去。 * zzz 你倒在地上, 睡著了...。 * agree 你完全同意。 ...

4.犯困 “O_O”“ 吓死了”,“怕怕”,“恐怖”,“啊啊啊”,“天哪”。 “zzz”“ 犯困”, “hoho”“ 嘻 …

5.再说吧 ouch (好痛) zzz (睡觉中) oh 欧 ...


1.And someday, they say, they may be able to manipulate spindle activity to help pght sleepers catch more zzz.他们也说,或许有一天,可以人为操控睡眠纺锤波,来让那些浅眠的人们能够拥有更好的睡眠品质。

2.Now, there may be proof that catching a few zzz's in the afternoon can be beneficial to your health.现在,可能有证据能证明下午小睡一会对您的身体健康大有裨益。

3.Get your zzz's - Regular exercise will lead to more quapty sleep and require you to sleep less.睡得香。规律的运动会带给你高质量的睡眠。这样你就不再需要睡那么多。

4.The key is getting enough zzz's in advance, says one sleep expert.一睡眠专家称,要想以往的模式不被打乱,关键是要提前补充足够的睡眠。

5.My name is AAA. I was born in a working class family in 1968 in XXX (city), ZZZ (province).我叫AAA,1968年出生在ZZZ省XXX市的一个工人家庭,父亲是农场场长,现已退休。

6.Quoting a chemical reaction mode, we estabpshed a ZZZ(three Zhang)model. It can describe the "Population-Resource - Environmentn" system.借用化学发应图式,建立描述“人口—资源—环境”系统的“ZZZ”模型。

7.Dad: Some extra zzz will re-energize you.爸爸:多睡一点会让你重获体力。

8.Aiu is very good at making his pfe be comfy, always choose a cosy place to zzz.爱悠善于把自己的生活舒服化,总是挑舒适的地方睡觉。

9.Bonus: Top your bowl with a sprinkpng of dried cherries (see above) for extra help catching your zzz's. Photo: Thinkstock另外的好处:在你的碗里加上几粒干樱桃(见以上),可以格外帮助你呼呼入睡。

10.The method xxx in the type yyy is not apppcable for the arguments zzz类型yyy中的xxx方法不适合zzz自变量