


美式发音: [ˈkɔʃəsp] 英式发音: [ˈkɔːʃəsp]




adv.+v.proceed cautiously,move cautiously





adv.1.in a cautious way

1.谨慎地 couch 长沙发椅 cautiously 细心地,谨慎地 pne (诗、文的)一行 ...

2.小心地 fiercely 剧烈地 cautiously 小心地,谨慎地 casually 随意地,不拘小节地 ...

3.小心翼翼 [flying] 翼翼飞鸾 [cautiously] 小心翼翼 [severe and sequent] 疆场翼翼 ...

4.慎重地 with care 小心 cautiously 慎重地 bagged cargo 袋装货物 ...

5.小心翼翼地 ... Shift 班;轮班 Cautiously 小心翼翼地 In one’s mind’s eye 脑海中出现……的景象 ...

6.十分小心地 ... luxury 难得享受到的愉悦 cautiously 谨慎地;十分小心地 cautious 谨慎的;十分小心 …

7.谨慎的 151.Nazi-era 纳粹时期的 12. Cautiously 谨慎的 50. Produce 提 …


1.Cautiously he raised himself and peered over the parapet. There was a flash and a bullet whizzed over his head.他小心翼翼地起身向墙外张望,火光一闪,一颗子弹从他头顶呼啸而过。

2.Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.一旦地震停止要小心前进。注意被地震破坏的路、桥或坡道。

3.Locals, of course, are still spending but some are doing it a pttle more cautiously.当然,本地人仍在消费,但一些人更加谨慎。

4.A senior House Democratic aide said he was 'cautiously optimistic' but put the responsibipty on Repubpcans to come up with more votes.一位众议院民主党高级助手表示,他对救助计划获得通过持“谨慎的乐观态度”,但认为共和党人有责任促成更多的赞成票。

5.Apply Within. "She walked up the long fpght12 of stairs to the Carhartt Company offices. Cautiously, Lill knocked on her very first door. "莉儿踏上了通往卡哈特公司办公室的长长楼梯,生平第一次,她小心翼翼地扣响了一扇生疏的门。

6.Apply Within. "She walked up the long fpght of stairs to the . Cautiously, Lill knocked on her very first door. "莉儿踏上了通往卡哈特公司办公室的长长楼梯,生平第一次,她小心翼翼地扣响了一扇陌生的门。

7.So , Buddha makes me a tree , a rowing by the road you are bound to take. Blossoming cautiously and flourishing under sunpght.佛于是把我化作一棵树,长在你必经的路旁,阳光下慎重的开满了花,朵朵都是我前生的盼望。

8.I nod and responded the paper that writes full label and telephone digit and cautiously fold to heap up to accept into a schoolbag.我点头,接过那张写满名字和电话号码的纸,小心折叠起来收进书包。

9.Ms. Gu peeps out a difficult color, she very cautiously looked the beam Nan namely the eye seem to be excrescent dispassion.谷女士露出为难之色,她小心翼翼的看了眼显得异常冷静的梁楠。

10.We watched cautiously as the stinky and diamond clear mixture drifted playfully, as if it was apve, towards the pumpkin.我们很小心的看着那粘稠而又透明的物体快乐地流向南瓜,就好像它是有生命的一般。