


美式发音: ['levɪn] 英式发音: ['levɪn]





1.莱文 ... levigate 研磨,磨光,澄清,粉碎 levin 电闪 levitation 悬浮 ...


1.'China is not the only country with a predatory exchange rate popcy, ' Mr. Levin said. He called Japan's move 'deeply disturbing. '日本在9月15日采取干预措施后不久,列文就说,中国并不是唯一一个实施掠夺性汇率政策的国家,日本此举“让人深感不安”。

2."The bank said the markings compped with the standards of the industry, " Mr. Levin said. "We don't think that's true. "“银行称这些估值与行业规范相符,”莱文说。“但我们认为这种说法不对。”

3.I was in Yunnan, China, the United States and the United States Levin do not know what hospital you good over there, on her own it!我是在云南华美美莱做的,不知道你们那边什么医院好,自己琢磨吧!

4."The bottom has fallen out for the unskilled manufacturing worker, " says Andy Levin, the state's director of workforce development.“没有技术的制造业工人遇到了最糟糕的情况,”州人力开发主任安迪·利文说。

5.Sander Levin, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, said the US may have to consider retapatory sanctions.美国众议院筹款委员会主席桑德·莱文表示,美国不得不考虑采取报复性措施。

6.In the preface to her book, Levin suggests a counterfactual history, a history with a League of Nations that included the United States.莱文在书的前言中提出一个反事实的历史,一个有包括美国在内的国际联盟的历史。

7.Levin said he intended to hold "some vigorous discussions this week" with Treasury officials on the currency issue.Levin称,他希望本周就汇率问题与财政部官员进行积极的讨论。

8.Donna Levin is one of those rare editors who brought both her brain and her heart to the pages of my rough draft.唐娜李文是谁的人都带来了她的大脑和她的心对我粗略草案罕见的网页编辑之一。

9.Mr. Levin said he was most concerned about how the rebels would use the weapons after a cease-fire.Levin说,他关注最多是反政府武装在停火后如何使用这些武器。

10.In a Wall Street Journal oped piece laying out the company's position, Time Warner co - CEO Gerald Levin makes two defenses.时代华纳公司的副总裁莱文投书《华尔街日报》读者来函版说明公司的立场,文中提出两点辩护。