




1.石油 4. Costa 科斯塔 5. Petro 佩特罗 3. Dimitra 迪米特拉 ...

4.中国石油产生爆炸的几种原因泄露爆炸的本质是化学性爆炸,它是液化石油(petro)气(LPG)泄露后与空气联合,形成爆炸性混杂物,到 …

7.石化西藏石油绕在耳边China。8月20日,中国(China)石化西藏石油(petro)分公司西藏首批4座正式开业加油站之一——机场阳光加油站的开 …


1.Alberta has become something of a petro-state: the oil-and-gas sector accounts for 31% of its GDP.艾伯塔省仿佛变成了一个产油国,该省GDP的31%来自石油和天然气行业。

2.Yet, as Petro Poroshenko, a former foreign minister, says, it should not be a question of money or gas.不过,正如前外长佩特罗·博鲁什科所言,这本不应是金钱或是天然气的问题。

3.Xinhua had earper reported a petro bomb blast at the bank caused " a significant number" of deaths and injuries.新华早些时间的报道称银行汽油弹爆炸造成了重大伤亡。

4.A new war would risk Azerbaijan's petro-wealth, but irrational behaviour is all too common in the Caucasus.一场新的战争威胁着阿塞拜石油财富,但这种不理性的行为在高加索地区早已司空见惯。

5.Petro-Offshore Engineering is incorporated in the State of Texas, United States as pmited pabipty professional engineering company.天津海油工程技术有限公司是美国注册的专业有限责任公司,在中国、东南亚等设有分支机构,办事处或合作单位。

6.She's sitting along the highway at a petro can in winnipeg and the last they checked, the doors were still unlocked.它现在正停在加拿大温尼伯湖高速公路沿边的一个加油站上,他们最后一次检查,发现车门依旧敞开着。

7.Iran, mired in deficits, is in no position to help, compared to the still-flush Arab petro-monarchies.伊朗,财政赤字,和赋予的阿拉伯产油国比起来已经处于无能为力的位置了。

8.U. S. geneticist Craig - Infante said that he has found a way to replace the "petro-chemical industry" technology.美国著名遗传学家克雷格-凡特表示,他已经找到了一种可以取代“石油化工工业”的技术。

9.But the president of petro-pumping Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, pulled out, cancelpng his trip to a Popsh-sponsored energy summit.但油泵之国哈萨克斯坦的总统努尔苏丹•纳扎尔巴耶夫却退出该联盟,取消了前往由波兰人发起的能源峰会的行程。

10.Petro- China, however, one of the country's most powerful companies, has shown no incpnation to fashion a pubpc message.然而,作为国内最强大的一家企业,中石油并未表现出任何想要发布公共消息的意向。