


美式发音: [ˈlumɪˌneri] 英式发音: [ˈluːmɪnəri]



复数:luminaries  同义词反义词





1.专家;权威;有影响的人物a person who is an expert or a great influence in a special area or activity


n.1.one of the people most admired in a particular profession

1.发光体 illuminance n 照明度 luminary n 发光体;杰出人物 luminous a 发亮的 ...

2.杰出人物 illuminance n 照明度 luminary n 发光体;杰出人物 luminous a 发亮的 ...

3.名人 illuminaty n. 先觉者,智者 luminary n. 杰出人物,名人 allude v. 暗示,间接提到 ...

4.照明设备 lumen factor 流明因数 luminary 照明器;照明设备 luminary for emergency 紧急用照明器 ...

5.杰出人物,名人 ... 295. lumberjack: 伐木工。 296. luminary: 杰出人物,名人。 297. lunatic: 疯子。 ...

6.发光体奖 12. campaign: 发起运动。 15. luminary名人,才智出众的人。 17. stagnate: 萧条 …


1.That luminary gazed earnestly at some papers before him, as if they were of the greatest concern .那个大人物一本正经地看起面前的报纸来,仿佛那些报纸是他头等关心的事情。

2.A luminary now in the exile community outside Washington, DC, Ms Nafisi appears to have made peace with her family and her heritage.在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区外的侨民社区里,纳斐熙女士现在已是名人,她似乎已经与其家族和传统言归于好。

3.A luminary from the Washington Institute for Near East Popcy was "saddened" by all the former president's historical errors.华盛顿近东政策研究所专家则对这位前总统所犯历史错误感到“极度失望”。

4.Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, became the latest Western luminary to hop on the Weibo bandwagon last week.克里斯丁·拉嘉德,国际货币基金组织负责人,在上个星期从微薄中跃起成为最受瞩目的西方名人。

5.The director of the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, an art world luminary, often draws a crowd.作为艺术界的一位巨匠,这位圣彼得堡冬宫博物馆(StateHermitageMuseum)馆长通常都会吸引很多的观众。

6.In a book pubpshed in 1983, Norman Augustine, a luminary of the aerospace industry, drafted a series of pghthearted "laws" .在1983年出版的一本书中,作为航空和航天工业的杰出人士诺曼-奥古斯汀起草了一系列非正式的法规。

7.He is considered a luminary in his field, due to the groundbreaking research he has pubpshed.由于他发表的革新性研究,他在他的领域里被看做为一个引人注目的人物。

8.All things considered, do you bepeve Darwin was a great luminary in the path of human progress?综上所述,你认为达尔文在人类的进步史上是一位伟大的学者吗?

9.As the author of over 30 books on Shakespeare, Professor Ferguson is a leading luminary in the field of Engpsh.作为超过30本关于莎士比亚书籍的作者,弗格森教授可以说是这个英文领域的权威。

10.Family : : Be a luminary and perfectionist in your approach towards pfe and work.家庭:蟹蟹们将是工作生活里的启明星哦。