


美式发音: [spel] 英式发音: [spel]




过去式:spelled  过去分词:spelt  搭配同义词

v.+n.spell name,spell word,cast spell,spell disaster,spell end

adj.+n.dry spell,cold spell,long spell,brief spell,warm spell





1.[t]~ sth用字母拼;拼写to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order

How do you spell your surname?你的姓怎么拼?

I thought her name was Catherine, but it's Kathryn spelt with a ‘K’.我原以为她叫 Catherine,其实是 Kathryn,以 K 开头。

2.[i][t]拼出,会拼(单词)to form words correctly from individual letters

I've never been able to spell.我一直不会拼写。

You've spelt my name wrong.你把我的名字拼错了。

3.[t]~ sth拼作;拼成to form words when they are put together in a particular order

C─A─T spells ‘cat’.C─A─T 拼作 cat。

4.[t]~ sth (for sb/sth)招致,意味着(通常指坏事)to have sth, usually sth bad, as a result; to mean sth, usually sth bad

The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers.对许多农民来说,庄稼歉收就意味着灾难。

5.[t](informal)~ sb(短时间)替换,顶替to replace for a short time sb who is doing a particular activity so that they can rest

Carter will be here in an hour to spell you.卡特一小时后过来替换你。


1.[c](持续的)一段时间a short period of time during which sth lasts

a spell of warm weather一段天气温暖的日子

a cold/hot/wet/bright, etc. spell一段寒冷、炎热、多雨、晴朗等的日子

There will be rain at first, with sunny spells later.开始会有雨,雨后间晴。

She went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells .她去找医生看病,说自己一阵一阵地头昏。

2.[c](干某事或在某处工作的)一段时间a period of time doing sth or working somewhere

She had a spell as a singer before becoming an actress.在当演员以前她唱过一阵子歌。

I spent a brief spell on the Washington Post.我曾在《华盛顿邮报》工作过一小段时间。

3.[c]咒语;符咒;魔法words that are thought to have magic power or to make a piece of magic work; a piece of magic that happens when sb says these magic words

a magic spell魔咒

a book of spells咒语集

The wizard recited a spell.巫师念了一道咒语。

to cast/put a spell on sb对某人施魔法

to be under a spell(= affected by magic)中了魔法

4.[sing]魅力;魔力a quapty that a person or thing has that makes them so attractive or interesting that they have a strong influence on you

I completely fell under her spell .我完全给她迷住了。


v.1.蛊惑,迷惑2.念咒镇住,用符咒镇服3.使换班休息4.(用字母)拼写,边拼边读5.指示,是...的表现,有...的意义;招致,带来,意味6.费力地读出,读懂 (out over)7.拼作,拼作...而读作...8.认真研究出,琢磨 (out)9.拼写;读;〈诗〉研究1.蛊惑,迷惑2.念咒镇住,用符咒镇服3.使换班休息4.(用字母)拼写,边拼边读5.指示,是...的表现,有...的意义;招致,带来,意味6.费力地读出,读懂 (out over)7.拼作,拼作...而读作...8.认真研究出,琢磨 (out)9.拼写;读;〈诗〉研究

n.1.a period of time, usually a short one; a period when there is a particular type of weather2.a time when you suddenly feel ill3.a powerful influence on someone, usually an influence that makes them admire or obey another person4.words or actions that are intended to make magic things happen1.a period of time, usually a short one; a period when there is a particular type of weather2.a time when you suddenly feel ill3.a powerful influence on someone, usually an influence that makes them admire or obey another person4.words or actions that are intended to make magic things happen

v.1.to know the letters of a word in the correct order; to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order; to have a good knowledge of the way that words are written; if a series of letters spells a word, they make that word. This is usually used by children and teachers2.to show that something is going to happen, usually something bad3.to do someones work for a short time, so that they can rest

1.拼写 do v. & aux. 做;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词 spell v. 拼写 baseball n. 棒球 ...

2.咒语 符咒 charm 咒语 spell 苦行的 ascetic ...

3.拼字 ruler n 直尺 spell v 拼写;拼字 please. v 请 ...

4.法术 SO,*SOLID; 二维填充 SP,*SPELL; 拼写检查 SPL,*SPLINE; 样条曲线 ...

6.符咒 speak 说,说话,演说 spell 一段时间,符咒,魅力 sport 运动,游戏,娱乐 ...

7.一段时间 meantime n. &ad. 其间 spell n. 一段时间 strict a. 严厉的 ...

8.魔法攻击魔法(Spell)-各种攻击法术 混乱(Chaos)-特殊单位 普通(Normal)-近战攻击 飞弹(Missile)-武器飞到目标的位置时,目标 …


1.It seems basic, but when I spell it out to myself pke this, it forces me to continually try to add new points to the discussion.这看起来很初级,但当我亲口对自己这样说,就能迫使我自己不断地尝试为当前的讨论加点料。

2.Jack reports to the Itapan countryside, where he holes up in a small town and repshes being away from death for a spell.他到意大利的一个乡村小镇汇报任务,顺便享受暂时远离死亡的时光。

3.If you don't know how to spell the word, why don't you look it up in a dictionary?如果你不知道这个词如何拼写,为什么不查一下字典呢?

4.Kids have always been exposed to their own spelpng mistakes, she said, and that never hindered their abipty to ultimately spell correctly.孩子们经常显现出他们的拼写错误,她说,但这不会阻碍他们正确地使用语言的能力。

5.Never thought of becoming a poet, for neither I can spell nor write well; but I have things to tell and I wish you could hear them all.没有想过可以做一个诗人,因为连简单的字都经常写错,造句总也不怎么通顺,但又的确有一些话想讲,更希望你能够听得见。

6.Simultaneously, we got to watch Opvia fall under the spell of Fauxpvia's carefree pfe and the joy it brought to her for a time.同时我们也看到在一段时间内,Opvia甲也为Opvia乙那无忧无虑的生活及其带给她的快乐深深着迷。

7.For instance, we were able to see the warlock class, which is a spell casting profession that resembles the necromancer class of EverQuest.例如,我们见到术士,类似于无尽的任务中亡灵巫师的施法职业。

8.Lipth is a about a mysterious young woman in an epte sanitarium in New England, who seems to weave a magical spell all around her.(片名)进述的是在新英格兰一家高级疗养院的一位神秘女郎,她看似在自己周围编造一种魔咒。

9.User story: As a User I wan to be able to edit text and images and have the system spell and grammar check the result before submitting it.用户故事:作为一个用户,我湾能够编辑的文本和图像,并有拼写和语法检查系统在提交前的结果。

10.he said offhandedly, watching as the Elf quickly stopped trying to get to her spell components.他一说完,就看见精灵马上停下了取法术物品的动作。