



美式发音: [siːs] 英式发音: [siːs]




第三人称单数:ceases  现在分词:ceasing  过去式:ceased  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cease activity,cease operation,cease production,cease pubpcation




v.1.〈正式〉停止; 中断; 结束; 平息2.〈正式〉使中断; 使结束

n.1.〈正式〉不停地; 不间断地; 连续地

v.1.<formal>to stop happening or continuing2.<formal>to stop doing sth.

n.1.<formal>without stopping, or without a break

1.停止 carrying out 实施 执行 ceased 停止 终止 celebrity 名人 ...

2.终止 carrying out 实施 执行 ceased 停止 终止 celebrity 名人 ...

3.采矿成本高就停止了nes in such areas.,由于山区表层采矿成本高就停止了ceased),也就是说,剩下的都是非山区,成本自然低下来吧~呵呵…

4.解任 任满告退 Retired 解任 ceased 轮值告退 retired by rotation ...

5.答案为B ... agenda n.议事日程 D. ceased 【解析】答案为B D. compounds 【解析】答案为C ...




1.Postcards continued to be used by people of modest means to convey important family news long after telephones ceased to be a novelty.在电话是稀松平常之物,人们曾还继续使用明信片这种委婉的方式来传达重要的家庭消息。

2.Listen rotation, all the features of the murmur ceased, the wind was the one finally chew rain, also made the bride leaves.听着旋转的天籁之音,一切的景物都停止了私语,被风嚼碎的一颗颗雨露,也做了叶子的新娘。

3.All that day, from morning until past sunset, the cannon never ceased to roar. It was dark when the cannonading stopped all of a sudden.整整那一天,从清晨到太阳下山,大炮没有停止轰轰作响,黑夜中,连续不断的炮声突然停止。

4.And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased.弟兄们,我若仍旧传割礼,为甚麽还受逼迫呢?若是这样,那十字架讨厌的地方就没有了。

5.If you see results, stick it out unless you become sure that the results have ceased and a more effective solution is needed.如果你发现效果,要坚持到底,除非你确信没有效果而且需要更有效的解决办法。

6.She had ceased crying and only sobbed, wiping her red, discoloured face with the end of the kerchief on her head.她已经停止号哭,只是抽抽搭搭地呜咽着,用头巾梢儿擦着她那红块斑斑的脸。

7.He moved away, forgetting almost all about it the moment Mr. Quincel had ceased talking. He had not even thought to ask the time or place.他说着走开了。昆塞尔先生一说完,他就把这件事几乎丢到脑后去了。他甚至没想到问问演戏的时间和地点。

8.Now when Leah saw that she ceased bearing, she took Zilpah her female servant and gave her to Jacob as a wife.利亚见自己停了生育,就把她的使女悉帕给雅各为妻。

9.It was as holographic time was shattered that unity ceased upon all dimensions of the Great Central Sun.就是因为全息时间被粉碎,从而统一的特性停止在大中枢太阳所有密度中存在。

10.Yet he never ceased to scold the human race. Poe pkewise, in his criticism, is forever nagging at other authors.然而他从未停止谴责人类。坡和他一样,在批评中永远在挑剔别的作家。