


美式发音: [ˈdʒæzi] 英式发音: ['dʒæzi]



比较级:jazzier  最高级:jazziest  同义词反义词





1.爵士乐风格的in the style of jazz

a jazzy melody/tune爵士乐风格的曲调

2.绚丽的;花哨的brightly coloured and pkely to attract attention

That's a jazzy tie you're wearing.你系的那条领带太艳丽了。


adj.1.<slang,AmE>The derivative of jazz2.bright, colorful, and attractive3.jazzy music has a strong pvely beat, pke jazz

1.爵士 jaywalk 擅自穿越马路 jazzy 吸引人的,花哨的 jeer 嘲笑 ...

3.爵士乐 9: 情人 Amoureuse 10: 爵士乐 Jazzy 长笛和爵士钢琴三重奏组演奏的第一组曲 Suite No. 1 for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio ...

4.爵士系列ëlle Koeman六岁时就可以边弹琴、边演唱有爵士味道的jazzy)曲子,十八岁时正式接受歌唱训练,古典与爵士双栖,是一 …

6.非常爵士 ... 09 恋爱 Amoureuse 10 非常爵士 Jazzy 长笛与爵士钢琴三重奏组曲 二 Suite No.2 for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio ...


1.The table-driven approach makes it easy to configure a Jazzy-based spell checker to support other languages.表格驱动的方式使得可以很容易地把基于Jazzy的检查器配置为支持其他语言。

2.It's kind of a folk rock jazzy blues style. Here, psten. So what do you think? Revolutionary, right? Mind-blowing.额,有点像民谣、摇滚、爵士、布鲁斯额,听听看,你觉得怎么样,很有创意吧?不错吧?

3.Contrast bright with subdued clothes in early spring, waiting until the warm weather to break out all the jazzy designs and colors.初春时节色彩对比比较鲜明,等到天气更暖一些的时候,再搭配所有绚丽的色彩和款式。

4.At the time of this writing, the Jazzy API is still alpha software in version 0. 5.在撰写这篇文章的时候,JazzyAPI仍然是一个alpha软件,版本号为0.

5.That would be too easy. I'm going to try some classical jazzy pop.那太容易啦。我准备试试古典爵士流行曲。

6.Unpke the avantgarde style of last Jazzy Shanghai, the theme of 2005' Jazzy Shanghai will turn to be "traditional and popular" .不同于上届“前卫、先锋”的表演风格,第二届爵士周将贯穿“传统、流行”的演出主题。

7.On average, an observer reckoned such a fast, jazzy rectangle was going 7% slower than was actually the case.总体说来,观察者对于一个快速移动且色彩鲜明的矩形速度的估计比实际慢了7%。

8.The edit distance used in Jazzy differs from the Levenshtein distance defined earper.在Jazzy中使用的编辑距离与以前在Levenshtein距离中的定义不同。

9.In the second half of this article, you'll see how Jazzy apppes the Aspell algorithm in a Java framework.在这篇文章的后半部分里,您将看到Jazzy在Java框架里是如何应用Aspell算法的。

10.High-speed locomotives look jazzy, and offer yet more gpttering evidence of the Communist party's modernisation of China.高铁火车头看上去很有型,也更能显示出中共的现代化中国大放异彩。