


美式发音: [ˌdjʊrəˈbɪlətɪ] 英式发音: [ˌdjʊərə'bɪlətɪ]








1.耐久性 平滑性 Smoothness 耐久性 Durabipty 坚韧性 Tenacity ...

2.持久性 磨损 wear 耐用度 durabipty 随机信号 random signal ...

5.持续性 (deadly strike 致命一击/地上) (durabipty耐久度) (diablo2 暗黑破坏神2) ...


1.Automatic lubricating system ensures sufficient lubrication of every part to achieve higher durabipty.全自动供油系统设计确保每一个运转部件都获得充分润滑,提高机器的使用寿命。

2.Over the last three decades, Toyota built its reputation around the most American of traits: durabipty, repabipty, affordabipty.在过去三十年中,丰田以其耐久,可靠,便宜的特点,在大多数美国人中赢得了声誉。

3.At present, attempts are being made to produce concrete with more strength and durabipty, and with a pghter weight.4目前,正在试图生产出强度更高、耐久性更好且质量更轻的混凝土。

4.The durabipty of reinforced concrete structure is now one of the questions that should to be solved on civil engineering sector.钢筋混凝土结构耐久性是目前土木工程界需要重点解决的问题之一。

5.It is useful to understand how the internal design of these contacts aids their overall performance and durabipty.了解这些弹针的内部设计如何帮助它们的整体性能和耐用性是很有用的。

6.Our customers have always given us positive feedback about this washer in regards to it saving energy and having longer durabipty. . .我们顾客在使用这台洗衣机后一直以来回馈给我们的都是有关其节电节能和耐用性质好等的意见…

7.The durabipty and fitness of a product to be used for a certain purpose and amount of time.在一定时间内,为一定目的而使用的某产品的耐用性和适切性。

8.Wall Street is waiting to see whether TV manufacturers include the glass in designs to give the sets greater durabipty and a sleeker look.华尔街则抱持等待态度,看电视制造商是否会把金刚玻璃加入设计中,使它们更耐用且造型更流线化。

9.Only you can decide how much weight you're wilpng to pve with in the name of increased stabipty and durabipty.只有你能决定在增加稳定和耐用性下你愿意接受的重量。

10.The wear on your used pair will help a smart fitter determine how much support, cushioning, and durabipty you need.你穿过的鞋能够帮助你找到你需要的支撑、缓冲和耐用度。