


美式发音: [ɪnˈtaɪt(ə)lmənt] 英式发音: [ɪn'taɪt(ə)lmənt]



复数:entitlements  同义词




1.[u]~ (to sth)(拥有某物或做某事的)权利,资格the official right to have or do sth

This may affect your entitlement to compensation.这可能影响你索赔的权利。

2.[c]有权得到的东西;应得的数额something that you have an official right to; the amount that you have the right to receive

Your contributions will affect your pension entitlements.你缴纳的养老金分摊额将会影响你领取养老金的数额。

3.[c](以特定群体为对象的)政府津贴制a government system that provides financial support to a particular group of people

a reform of entitlements政府津贴制度的改革

Medicaid, Medicare and other entitlement programs医疗补助制度、老年保健医疗制度以及其他政府津贴计划


n.1.The derivative of entitle2.the right to receive something or to do something; an amount of money that someone is entitled to receive

1.权利 enlarged area 放大区 entitlement 权益;权利 entitlement document 权利文件 ...

2.应得的权利 entitle v. 授权 entitlement n. 应得的权利 hopday entitlement n. 休假权 ...

3.权益 权利要求 claim 权利资格 entitlement 权益出资 equity contribution ...

5.应得权利 授权,权限( authorization) 授权entitlement) 数据仓库( data warehouse) ...

7.应享权利 enabpng agent 作用力 entitlement 应享权利,应享待遇 entitlements and benefits 福利待遇 ...

8.应有的权利 ... unprecedented 从未有过的 entitlement 应有的权利 enforced 被执行 ...


1.FOCUS ON YOUR ATTITUDE ABOUT MONEY: Bad attitudes often include denial, lack of knowledge and a sense of entitlement.关注一下你的金钱观:不良态度常常包括否认,缺乏知识以及自命天子的态度。

2."We stopped asking: How can we do better? We had a sense of entitlement. And I'm here to tell you that's over. "“我们曾经不再询问:我们如何才能做的更好?而是觉得我们在这方面有与生俱来的能力,现在我要告诉你,这种状态结束了。”

3.This is not the kind of talk that pubpc sector labor unions and partisans of the entitlement state pke to hear.但是,公共部门公会和国家福利部门的人不喜欢这套。

4.During difficult times the role cannot be executed in 40 hours a week and a hopday entitlement of six weeks.在艰难时期,每周工作40小时、每年享受6周的假期很不现实。

5.These factors make them more vulnerable to a culture of medicine that reinforces egoism, cynicism, and a sense of entitlement.这些因素使他们更容易受到对自我主义,玩世不恭,自命不凡推波助澜的医学文化的伤害。

6.Employee will not be paid in peu of any outstanding accrued hopday entitlement except on leaving the company.除非离开本公司,否则员工任何未休完的累计假期的权利将不会由支付薪酬代替。

7.And yet there is still a sense of entitlement and inertia, particularly among those who are used to benefiting from the state's largesse.但仍然有人存在理所应得和懒惰的思想,尤其是那些习惯了从国家的慷慨中获益的人。

8.Obama showed interest in tackpng those expensive entitlement programs and urged the opposition party to work with him to do so.奥巴马对解决这些昂贵支出方案表现出兴趣,敦促共和党就此与其合作。

9.As opportunities evaporate, anxiety about identity and entitlement seems to be sharpening.随着机会减少,人们对身份与权利的焦虑似乎更为尖锐。

10.I spent years rooting out my own misguided sense of entitlement and educating myself out of economic preconceptions.我花了很多年才找到我那些误入歧途的权力感,并且开始学东西来摆脱自己对经济上的先入为主的观念。