


美式发音: [ˈprɑfər] 英式发音: [ˈprɒfə(r)]




第三人称单数:proffers  现在分词:proffering  过去式:proffered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.proffer help


v.offer,hold out,extend,tender,volunteer



1.~ sth (to sb).~ sb sth端着(给…);递上to offer sth to sb, by holding it out to them

‘Try this,’ she said, proffering a plate.“尝尝这个吧。”她端上一盘菜说。

2.提出,提供(建议、解释等)to offer sth such as advice or an explanation

What advice would you proffer to someone starting up in business?您对初入商界的人有何建议?

What advice would you proffer her?您对她有什么忠告?

A solution proffered itself.一个解答自然出现了。



v.1.to offer someone something by moving it toward them2.to offer someone something such as an explanation or apology

1.提供 preference n 偏爱,优先权 proffer v 提供;贡献 refer v 提到;指点 ...

2.提出 profession 职业 proffer 提供,提出 proficient 精通,熟谙的 ...

3.贡献 preference n 偏爱,优先权 proffer v 提供;贡献 refer v 提到;指点 ...

4.赠送 profane v. 亵渎,玷污 proffer v. 献出,赠送 proficient adj. 熟练的,精通的 ...

5.提议 ... "proffer" 提供;提议 ...

6.提议,建议 profane 亵渎,玷污 proffer 献出,赠送;提议,建议 proficient 熟练的,精通的 ...

7.献出 coffer 保险箱 proffer 献出,提供(友谊等) conifer 针叶树 ...

8.提供物 提供 n. 提供物 proffer 1 提出,提供 ~ help ...


1.It was instinctive for her to proffer help to Mrs. Fisher .她情不自禁地向费雷太太主动提出援助。

2.Whereas scientific management system proffer reference of objective , nought refutation for individual profession development .而科学的绩效管理体系又为个人职业发展提供了客观的、无可辩驳依据。

3.Among the minority that did proffer eco-friendly nonfood items, only about 10 percent stocked more than one product.在少数几家供应环境友好型的非食品类商品的零售商中,只有大约10%储备了一种以上的绿色产品。

4.They proffer claims of being " essential , " "pure, " and "crystal-fresh, " but are bottled waters anything more than glorified tap water?标榜“天然”、“纯净”和“绝对新鲜”的瓶装水,和披上美丽包装的自来水有什么不同么?

5.ON USHERING visitors into his home Sir Keith Joseph, a punctipous host, would proffer a handshake by way of welcome.一丝不苟的基思·约瑟夫爵士接待客人来家中做客,会主动伸出手来表示欢迎。

6.But experience had taught him not to proffer academic work as an excuse.不过经验告诉他,文化课作业打发不了爸爸的要求。

7.hold out To present or proffer as something attainable.提供,提出提供或显示可得到的东西

8.Will future investors really take investment banks seriously when they proffer advice about risk management?当投资银行提供风险管理建议时,期货投资者真的会把它们当回事吗?

9.That formulation is carefully designed to have an effect, pke all those I proffer.那个构想经过精心设计,为了产生效果,如同我曾经提供过的设计。

10.They are welcome for the beauty they proffer, wherever and whenever we accept them.它们的美愉悦着我们,不论何时何地,我们都会接纳它们。