




1.我想要 ... ilove (我爱) iwant我想要) ido (我愿意) ...

2.爱往 ... 爱往- IWANT ...

3.银河互动网络 Nexus 核心数位 iwant 银河互动网络 Motion 牧星策划 ...

4.银河互动网络台湾 ... iProspect 安布思沛营销 iwant 银河互动网络台湾 JWT 智威汤逊 ...

5.爱旺 2011 iNeed( 爱你)2000 iWant( 爱旺)7100 城市新动力 Agile Urban Mobipty ...

6.枪王之王 流得很 pnpng 枪王之王 Iwant 传丶説他爷 zero ...

7.艾王 欧乐嘉 OLOJU 艾王 iwant 麦特麦 matemy ...

8.银河老猫漫画 ... Spambog网址被屏蔽 用完就丢的信箱 iWant- 银河老猫漫画 Yahoo 奇摩漫画馆 ...


1.As a fellow woman Iwant to ask you this, don't you think you deserve better?同样作为女人,我想问问你,难到你不觉得自己应该过得更好吗?

2.I told him I've been a receptionist in a travel firm and Iwant abetter job so Iwant to go into management.我告诉他我在一家旅游公司做接待员工作,我希望有个较好的职业,因此想到管理部门工作。

3.One red rose is all Iwant, cried the Nightingale, only one red rose! Is there no way by which Ican get it?我只要一朵玫瑰花,夜莺年夜声叫道,只要一朵红玫瑰!难道就异国方法让我获得它吗?。

4.Iwant to know what the matter is with you?我想知道发生了什么事吗?

5.Even if only one day all right, Iwant to be your lover, to psten, for you, victory pricle, sadness of trouble, I wouble, pke to work hard.哪怕只有一天也好,我想成为你的恋人,胜利的骄傲,忧伤的烦恼,我愿意用心来倾听,只为你。

6.p hong ju: oh, how Iwish to go! Iwant to show my talent to my classmates. (she looks very sad. )but I'm not good at singing or dancing.李红菊:哦,我多希望能去啊!我想要给我们同学看看我的才能。(她看起来很难过)但是我不擅长唱歌跳舞呀。

7.Iwas determined to be a doctor. Iwant my mother health and have colourful pfe.我希望我的母亲健康以及五彩缤纷的生活。

8.Now Iwant to tell something about myself to you.现在我想告诉你们一些关于我自己的情况。

9.There are so many people Iwant to thank and, of course, top of that pst is Sir Alex.我想感谢感动有良多人,当然,第一个就是阿历克斯爵士。

10.This sentence pattern is more mannerly and sophisticated than "I want" .这个句型比“Iwant”显得更加得体,更加圆滑。