




1.糖尿病 test, and discriminates maturity-onset diabetes of youth (MODY) from type 1 diabetes with 100% sensitivity and 85% spec...

7.麽地尊铜像分别由公众和麽地 (Mody) 捐立. 1923年5月3日, 广场添置了港督梅含理( Henry May) 的铜 像. 同月24日广场放置了「汇 …


1.Zhai want the fruits of her result will not find any Mody, and speak to her she did not answer, perhaps she really angry!想摘她的果实,结果摘不到么,和她说话她也不回答,也许她真的生气了!

2.Some do not understand is: In addition to poptical and national examination at the other three are out of the theme of self-Mody?有些不明白的是:除了政治全国统考,其他三门都是自主出题的么?

3.Students, and cardiac effect? Heart not as good as action, female compatriots, you want to give birth to a baby such a lovely Mody?同学们,心动了么?心动不如行动,女同胞们,你们想生一个这么可爱的baby么?

4.I was tired the day sitting on the plane back to Beijing suddenly heard a girl said to me carefully Po Mody I can chat with you?当天的我很累坐在返往北京的飞机上忽然听到一个女孩小心翼翼的对我说宝我能和你聊聊么?

5.I just want to talk about not breaking up the first fall in love, happiness just want to be a beautiful bride, this. . . Mody difficult? ? ?我只想谈一次不说分手的恋爱,只想做个幸福美丽的新娘,这…难么???

6.Laonong more gas: "You think you are Mody Trade and Industry inspectors, who would pke to pft the Taner on the fpp who shared. "老农更气:“你以为你是工商城管么,想掀谁的摊儿就掀谁的摊。”

7.You go back and continue to dream, they would pke to ask you say you do not end Mody -1!你回去继续做梦,人家再问你你就说-1不就完了么!

8.Concentration also began to increase again after 2000, at least in some industries, according to Mr Mody, Ms Nath and Mr Walton.Mody女士、Nath女士和Walton先生的研究结果表明,自2000年以来,至少在某些行业,集中化有所增加。

9.Mody know, I do not want you to see this article.知道麽,我不想让你看到这篇文章。

10.In the economic operation, ethical considerations really be able to create a capital in excess surplus value Mody?在经济运行中,道德因素果真能创造出资本的超额剩余价值么?