



美式发音: [ˈselər] 英式发音: [ˈselə(r)]




复数:cellars  同义词反义词


n.basement,vault,crypt,lower ground floor




n.1.a room under a building, below the level of the ground, usually used for storing things2.a collection of wines in a restaurant or someones home

1.地下室宅第(Hohenort Manor House),地下室Cellars),面粉厂(现已改装为酒店寝室);玫瑰园,香草园,葡萄园与酿酒厂。

2.地窖 ernest n. 欧内斯特(男子名) cellars n. 地窖, 地下室, 酒窖, 藏酒量 piles 痔, 痔疮 ...


1.he stayed over a weekend which is usually quiet , so he was able to see the vineyard and the cellars , where the wine is aged.他在这儿过了一个安静的周末,并参观了葡萄园和珍藏着陈年老酒的地窖。

2.Could China's taste for a fine Claret or a chilled Riesling be emptying the wine cellars of the western world?中国人对波尔多干红和雷司令冰酒的喜爱是否会将西方世界的葡萄酒酒窖一扫而空?

3.She's moved cellars, into a room with a small shaft that allows a little daylight in.不久前,她从地下室搬到了一个房间里,房间有个小窗户能透进店光线。

4.This child lived, in this absence of affection, like the pale plants which spring up in cellars.那孩子就这样生活在缺乏爱的状态中,有如地窖中萎黄的草。

5.After a year or so of buying very heavily, many [buyers] have completed their cellars and are now very selective.经过一年左右的大量收购,很多买家已经把酒窖塞满了,现在买起酒来选择性很强。

6.So, his job was the management of the cellars and wine making. But why does champagne have bubbles? You said something about climate. . .所以,他的工作是管理酒窑程酿酒。但为什么香槟酒里有气泡呢?你刚说到了气候因素……

7.New projects include an antiques trading center and a Chinese wine production business that will carve cellars into nearby hillsides.新的项目已在运作,包括一个古玩交易中心和一家酿酒企业,这家酒厂将在附近的大山中开凿酒窖。

8.Special tours to private car collectors, Balsamic vinegar and Grana cheese factories, as well as Lambrusco wine cellars can be arranged.酒店还可以安排参观私家车收藏、Balsamic醋厂、Grana奶酪厂、以及Lambrusco葡萄酒窖等特别观光游。

9.Amici Cellars was born out of a belief that good wine and good friends make natural partners.挚友酒窖的诞生来自于这样一个信念:美酒和好友是自然完美的组合。

10.At Cline Cellars, a Sonoma winery that has turned its rooftop solar, the only maintenance problem is dust, which can block out sunlight.索诺玛县一家叫做ClineCellars的酒厂屋顶的太阳能板,其唯一维护问题是会遮住阳光的尘土。