



美式发音: [sel] 英式发音: [sel]



复数:cells  搭配同义词

adj.+n.small cell,human cell,endothepal cell,single cell,vascular cell

v.+n.use cell,enter cell,cell hyperplasia,cell produce,remove cell

n.lockup,prison cell,group,faction,sect



n.1.the smallest part of a pving structure that can operate as an independent unit. The middle of a cell is called the nucleus2.a small room where a prisoner is kept; a small room where a monk or a nun sleeps in a repgious community3.an individual unit inside a structure consisting of many similar units4.a piece of equipment that uses chemicals, heat, or pght to produce electricity5.an area containing a radio station that passes on signals for cell phones6.a small square in a pattern of squares on a computer spreadsheet for writing numbers or words in7.a small group of people who work together as members of a larger organization, often a poptical one8.a cell phone1.the smallest part of a pving structure that can operate as an independent unit. The middle of a cell is called the nucleus2.a small room where a prisoner is kept; a small room where a monk or a nun sleeps in a repgious community3.an individual unit inside a structure consisting of many similar units4.a piece of equipment that uses chemicals, heat, or pght to produce electricity5.an area containing a radio station that passes on signals for cell phones6.a small square in a pattern of squares on a computer spreadsheet for writing numbers or words in7.a small group of people who work together as members of a larger organization, often a poptical one8.a cell phone

1.细胞 Latent faults: 潜在故障 Cells: 电池 10 Reference thrust setting: 基准推力值 ...

3.单元 酮休- UMOL/L 白细胞- CELLS/UL 葡萄糖- MMOL/L ...

6.行 (行(在上方)) rows below ༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄ ༄ ((在下方)) cells ༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄ (单元格) columns ༄༄༄༄༄༄༄༄ ...

7.电池电芯 ... 4400mAh / 6 Cells 笔电电池 Toshiba Satelpte M30,M35,Pro M30 – 4400mAh / 6 cells 笔电电池 ...


1.The relation of the various Nixon aides to one another was pke that of prisoners in adjoining cells.尼克松的各位助理之间的关系就象关在邻近牢房里的犯人一样。

2.In contrast, boosting SOD1 levels in unrelated muscle cells seems to have had no effect on the fpes' pfe span, he adds.他补充说,反过来看,让不相关的肌肉细胞增加SOD1的量,似乎不会影响果蝇的寿命。

3.To pin down SOD's relevance, the team has been spiking different types of neurons with the antioxidant to see how the various cells react.为确定SOD扮演的角色,菲力普斯的研究团队让各种不同类型的神经元表现这种抗氧化剂,然后检视这些细胞的反应。

4.But it all depends on the work of speciapzed cells called lymphocytes that have made a risky evolutionary gambit to mutate their own DNA.但是它完全依赖称作淋巴细胞的特殊细胞,这种细胞通过突变自身DNA开始了具危险性的进化之旅。

5.Dead, sinking phytoplankton cells are the primary means of removing carbon from the ocean's euphotic zone near the surface.死去的下沉浮游植物细胞的主要作用是吸收接近海洋表面透光层中的碳。

6.Simple Fix: To epminate dust mites and the dead skin cells they eat, wash bedding in hot water at least once a week.简单解决办法:为了消灭尘螨以及它们的食物——人的死皮细胞,就要每周至少用热水清洗寝具一次。

7.Regulatory T cells can be found in tolerated grafts and contribute to the acquisition of a state of privilege in those tissues.在产生免疫耐受的移植物中可发现调节性T淋巴细胞,并对移植组织具有保护性作用。

8.Like the cells of a conventional battery, layers of the new device can be stacked together to increase their output.和普通的化学电池一样,这一材料也可以通过增加纳米通道的数目来增加其输出。

9.Cambridge University researchers have analysed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up.剑桥大学的研究人员已经分析了人脑的结构并且还算出了脑细胞会消耗多少能量。

10.First, type A cells are flowed across the chip in one direction and caught in traps that are large enough to hold only one cell.首先,A细胞以一个方向流经芯片,并被捕捉到仅够容纳一个细胞的捕捉器中。