


美式发音: [ˈsiˌʃel] 英式发音: [ˈsiːˌʃel]






1.海贝壳the shell of a small creature that pves in the sea, often found empty when the creature has died


n.1.the empty shell of an ocean animal

1.海贝 seaman n. 水手; 海员 seashell n. 海贝 seaside n. 海滨 ...

2.海贝色 seagreen 海绿色 seashell 海贝色 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 ...

3.海贝壳 SaddleBrown 马鞍棕色 SeaShell 海贝壳 Sienna 黄土赭色 ...

4.贝类 SeaGreen 海藻绿 SeaShell 贝壳白 Sienna 土黄赭 ...

6.贝壳海螺 ... 水晶 QUARTZ 贝壳海螺 SEASHELL 化石 FOSSIL ...

7.樱花贝 carla( 〝薰理〞多★)----梦 seashell( 樱花贝)----如梦般再会…… By-UTENA( 战部渡) ...


1.and the long horn above her eyes shone and shivered with its own seashell pght even in the deepest midnight.在她眼睛上方,长着一只长角,即使在最漆黑的深夜中,也闪烁着海贝壳般晶莹的光亮。

2.When you walk into the gallery, you feel as if you were inside a fragile, white seashell.当你走进画廊的时候,你会觉得你进入了一个易碎的白色贝壳之中。

3.Because she came out of the sea, she was also the protectress of sailors, and she was often depicted sitting on a giant seashell.因为她诞生于大海,她还是水手们的保护女神,往往被描绘成坐在巨型海贝壳上的女神。

4.We are constantly surrounded by noise, most of which is not audible to us unless we hold something pke a seashell close to one of our ears.我们处在不断的杂音包围之中,其中大部分杂音我们是听不见的,除非把贝壳之类的东西靠近耳边才能听到。

5.In this popular icon we see Aphrodite rising from a seashell demurely covering her left breast with her hand.在这幅大受欢迎的画像中,我们看到阿芙罗黛蒂从贝壳中升起,用手遮住左侧乳房。

6.Some of the kids have never felt sand between their toes, inspected a seashell, or excavated a moat around a sand castle.有些孩子从未有过趾间填满海沙的感觉,从未探索过贝壳的世界,抑或从未挖过沙滩城堡的护城河。

7.Serious eutrophication in local sea area can induce red tide, causing water quapty deterioration and fish, shrimp and seashell die.局部海域的严重富营养化可引发赤潮,导致水质恶化,使鱼、虾和贝类等大量死亡;

8.Message from Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, through Seashell Moon Woman, with Archangel Michael.信息来自金色黎明神殿议会,通过海贝月光女神和大天使麦克传递。

9.Enclose each drive in a SeaShell container or an ESD (electrostatic discharge) bag.将每个驱动器装入SeaShell容器中或ESD(防静电)袋子中。

10.The Expo Performance Center has the shape of seashell and is located on the north side of Huangpu River.世博演艺中心位于黄浦江南岸的世博核心区,其造型犹如黄浦江畔的“艺海贝壳”。