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网络释义:补体结合试验(complement fixation test);保形油箱;钢管混凝土(concrete filled tube)



1.补体结合试验(complement fixation test)补体结合试验cft)补体c3测定 丙型肝炎抗体检测(抗-hcv-ig) 丙氨酸氨基转移酶 标准碳酸氢盐 闭合容积(cv) 比格凝血活 …

2.保形油箱方案1那个保形油箱(CFT)够大了, 可以在内部设置武器舱回复 举报 中尉 飞扬贵宾   一点很小的善心,乘以13亿,都会变成爱的 …

3.钢管混凝土(concrete filled tube)0引言钢管混凝土(CFT)结构由于其具有延性好、强度高等优越的抗震性能,近几十年来应用越来越广泛。与此同时,国内外对该种 …

4.跨功能小组(Cross Function Team)一般来讲按照项目难易程度,项目组的结构一般分为CFT(Cross Function Team)和Matrix Team。对于比较小的项目所用的资源 …

5.钢管混凝土柱(Concrete-Filled Tubes) 建筑结构用高强厚壁钢管 近年来钢管混凝土柱CFT)已广泛应用于建筑领域,其中外径 范围Φ600~800mm、壁厚20~40mm …


1.if you enjoy staying in shape and helping others , there has never been a better time to become a certified fitness trainer ( cft ) .如果你仅仅保持自己的身体健壮来指导他们,将不会有时间或机会成为合格的健身私人教练。

2.Unequal thickness walled rectangular concrete-filled steel tubes (CFT) are a sort of optimization design for rectangular CFT as beams.非等壁厚矩形钢管混凝土结构作为梁是一种截面优化的矩形钢管混凝土构件。

3.In the building construction industry, concrete-filled tube (CFT) columns are gaining popularity all over the world.在建筑施工业,钢管混凝土管(钢管混凝土)列获得世界各地流行。

4.The proposed constitutive relationship can evaluate ultimate strength and deformation of square CFT effectively.建议的本构关系可以用于评估方形钢管混凝土短柱的极限承载力和延性。

5.A new kind of composite structure system composing of CFT columns and Composite spm-floor beams was put forward, which has much efficiency.将方钢管混凝土柱与组合扁梁结合,构成一种新型、高效的住宅钢结构体系。

6.CFT is encouraging community contribution from enterprise and independent developers apke.CFT鼓励企业和个体开发者做出同样的社区贡献。

7.Review the purpose and responsibipties of the CFT and each of its members.回顾CFT和每位成员的目的与职责。

8.Lu (1997) tested I-beam to CFT column bolted connections with a composite concrete floor under an in-plane bending moment.i的陆(1997)测试的形状对钢管混凝土柱螺栓连接面内弯矩下一个复合混凝土楼板与连接。

9.The repabipty index and sensitivity coefficients of CFT high piers were invested by the proposed model.利用该模型分析钢管混凝土超高墩的非线性承载能力可靠度指标与敏感性系数。

10.With CFT - 500 capillary rheometer, the rheological properties of fireproofing copolyester with phosphonium are studied.用CFT-500型毛细管流变仪研究磷系共聚阻燃聚酯的流变性能。