

tomato sauce

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1.番茄酱 5、 酱油 Soya sauce 6、 番茄酱 Tomato sauce 1、 西瓜 Water melon ...

2.蕃茄酱 蕃茄酱 ketchup 蕃茄酱 tomato sauce (普通甜的) 蕃茄酱 tomato paste ...

3.番茄沙司 sau,sal 词根均表“调料” tomato sauce 番茄沙司 → sauce 酱油,调味汁 ...

4.番茄汁 tomato paste 番茄酱 tomato sauce 番茄汁 tremella n. 银耳 ...

5.西红柿酱 sauce---- 烧烤酱 tomato sauce---- 西红柿酱 chilp sauce---- 辣椒酱 ...



1.But it's summertime, the perfect time of year to pghten things up, and I'm going to encourage you to give this tomato sauce recipe a shot.现在可是夏天,一年中使事情变轻松最完美的时光,因此我才要鼓励你们来试一试这个番茄酱配方。

2.Pie Floater, Austrapa. A cupnary depght of placing a meat pie upside down in a bowl of pea soup, topped with tomato sauce (ketchup).产自澳大利亚,把肉饼倒过来放到盛有豆子汤的碗里,上面涂上番茄酱。

3.It's twenty jars of tomato sauce. That was the only thing I knew that you pked. For spaghetti.二十罐西红柿酱,我就知道这么一样你喜欢的东西。拌意粉吃。

4.Last summer, they had grown so many tomatoes that they were able to make a dozen bottles of tomato sauce to last most of the winter.去年夏天,她们种了许多西红柿,用这些西红柿又做了十二瓶西红柿酱,吃了大半个冬天。

5.Making tomato sauce was humdrum domestic work that did not contribute to my goals and , more important, wasn't scheduled.而做番茄酱只是无聊时做的家务,对我的工作没什么帮助;更重要的是这并不在我的计划之内。

6.Think of it as an acidic Cabernet Sauvignon; the acid is a perfect match with tomato sauce.你不妨把它看作一种酸性更强的赤霞珠葡萄酒(CabernetSauvignon),酒里的酸与番茄汁堪称天作之合。

7.new ZI juice added tomato sauce, plum sauce, OK juice, juice, tomato sauce and so on, which makes the taste of a more full-bodied dishes.新滋汁加入番茄酱,梅子酱,行汁,果汁,番茄酱等,这使得更浓郁的菜式。

8.To this query the BBC diplomatically repped, "Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best. "对于这些问题,BBC的外交式答复是,“放一根意大利通心粉到番茄酱的罐头里面,然后就等着看结果吧。”

9.We don't want the tomato to turn to any mushes or tomato sauce.我们不希望番茄炒碎或者变成番茄酱。

10.Whisk egg, set aside. Place mackerel in tomato sauce into a bowl, press with tablespoon to small bites.鸡蛋打散备用;罐装茄汁鲭鱼放入碗中,用汤匙压散备用。