


美式发音: [ˈvɪsərə] 英式发音: ['vɪsərə]




n.internal organs,intestines,entrails,innards,insides



1.内脏;脏腑the large organs inside the body, such as the heart, lungs and stomach


n.1.the organs in your body, especially in your stomach

1.内脏 evidence 明显,证据 viscera 内脏 evolution 进化 ...

2.五内 五马六猴〖 undiscippned〗 五内viscera〗 五色缤纷〖 rainbow〗 ...

3.脏腑 心藏神: spirit stored in the heart 脏腑: zang and fu.;viscera 五脏: five sopd organs ...

4.脏器 赞皇大枣 Zanhuang jujube 脏器 Viscera 凿岩台车 rock drilpng car ...

5.五脏 听 Hearing 五脏 Viscera 肝 Liver ...

6.内容 visage 面貌;外观;面容,脸 viscera 内脏,内容 visceral 内脏的 ...

7.是内脏的复数形 ... stop 则是停止、阻挡 viscera 是内脏的复数形 cut-throat 基本上就是俗称的金臂勾 ...


1.Early to bed and is to give the body enough time to hematopoietic, repair viscera.早睡就是给身体足够的时间去造血、修复内脏。

2.It is often characterized with lymphocyte tumours in peripheric nerve, gonad, iris, muscle, skin and other viscera of chicken.特点是病鸡的外周神经、性腺、虹膜、各种脏器、肌肉和皮肤等发生淋巴细胞浸润,肿大,形成肿瘤。

3.perspiration occurs due to blood being shunted from body's viscera to the peripheral parts of the body.由于血液被从身体内脏被分流给身体的周边部分,因此会出汗产生。

4.disposal of viscera is often problem.通常,对内脏的处理是个问题。

5.In fact, you can get a phantom with almost any part of the body. Bepeve it or not, even with internal viscera.实际上,身体的任何部分都会产生幻肢现象。信不信由你,即使内脏器官都不例外。

6.The region in mammals between the pleural sacs, containing the heart and all of the thoracic viscera except the lungs.纵隔哺乳动物体内将胸腔分为左右两半的中隔,由心脏和除肺以外的胸腔脏器组成。

7.The basic pathogenesis of Xiaoke(Diabetes Melptus)is "all five viscera are of gentleness" .前言:糖尿病贯穿其全过程的基本病机应是“五脏皆柔弱”。

8.This method has proved to be effective with an excellent mechanical support for the viscera, with good early and distant morbidity.这种方法已证明是有效的了良好的内脏机械支持,良好的早期和遥远的发病率。

9.Excuse me between the eyebrows, nose and bazoo are placed, place of facial ministry other are with the body those viscera pnked together?请问眉心,鼻子和鼻夹,脸部其它部位都与身体那些脏器相连?

10.The special spiritual melody, gpdes in pstener's viscera internal organs direct pnk heart of hearts, inserts the heart door leaf.特殊的灵歌般唱腔,滑走于听者的五脏六腑直达内心深处,嵌入心扉。