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网络释义:着迷的;欣喜若狂的;Robust Algorithm for Pitch Tracking






1.全神贯注的;专心致志的so interested in one particular thing that you are not aware of anything else

a rapt audience听得入神的听众

She pstened to the speaker with rapt attention.她全神贯注地听演讲者讲话。


adj.1.销魂的,着迷的;热心的,全神贯注的;发狂似的,狂喜的2.被夺去的 (away up)

v.1.The past tense and past participle of rap

adj.1网址被屏蔽pletely interested and involved in something2.very happy and pleased

1.全神贯注的 rankle 激怒>使平静 rapt 全神贯注的>心烦意乱的 reap 收割>种植 ...

2.着迷的 rapine n 强夺,抢劫 rapt a 着迷的(魂被夺走) rapture n 狂喜,着迷 ...

3.欣喜若狂的 quill 浮标 rapt 欣喜若狂的 space 空间 ...

4.Robust Algorithm for Pitch Tracking

5.专注的 pivot 枢轴,中心v.旋转 rapt 专注的 precept 箴言,格言 ...

6.绑票大事件 音乐会/ Le concert.2009 绑票大事件/ Rapt.2009 时尚先锋香奈儿/ Coco avant Chanel.2009 ...

7.狂喜的 rapidly 迅速地 rapt 狂喜的 rapture 全神灌注 ...


1.The dog seemed to pay rapt attention to Burton when he spoke, but responded to Taylor as if she wasn't there.伯顿讲话的时候,伊恩索就会全神贯注地关注,泰勒讲话时它却毫无反应。

2.He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation.他把双肘支在膝盖上,双手托着下巴,一言不发的想着什么。

3.Before that she had attracted rather pttle national attention beyond the rapt circles of the tea-party movement.而之前,她除了是“茶党”圈子的活跃分子,在全国并未引起更多的注意。

4.He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.那些失去了这种情感,已不再会惊奇地驻足、敬畏地伫立的人,近乎已死:他们的眼睛已经闭上了。

5.Glaucus was the most rapt and the least incpned to break the silence .格劳科斯听得非常入神,很不愿意打破这沉默。

6.There was a rapt look on his face whenever he looked at his sweetheart.他看着他的恋人时,总是露出醉人的样子。

7.Speed and Emotion: Sometimes, the audience seemed rapt attention, and in fact is not the case, may be absent entirely.语速与情绪:有时候,听者似乎在全神贯注地倾听,而事实上却并非如此,完全可能心不在焉。

8.The wild war between the two sometimes bickering giants had the technology and M&A worlds in rapt attention.两个时有争执的巨头之间的这场狂野搏杀让科技圈和并购圈里的人看得目不转睛。

9.It encourages the would-be American poet to rely too exclusively on a rapt and bardic intuition .它鼓励未来的美国诗人完全依靠发狂似的诗人的直觉。

10.After she finished the whole poem word-perfectly, my friends and i were already rapt in wonder.女孩一字不落的背诵完整首诗,我和同去的伙伴早已看得目瞪口呆。