



美式发音: [tʃer] 英式发音: [tʃeə(r)]




复数:chairs  现在分词:chairing  过去式:chaired  搭配同义词

adj.+n.wooden chair

v.preside,take the chair,lead,direct,oversee

n.chairperson,presiding officer,president,head,leader




n.1.a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, with a back, legs, and sometimes two arms2.the person who is in charge of a meeting, committee, or company3.the position or job of being a professor in a university4.the electric chair1.a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, with a back, legs, and sometimes two arms2.the person who is in charge of a meeting, committee, or company3.the position or job of being a professor in a university4.the electric chair

v.1.to be the person in charge of a meeting, committee, or company

1.主持 Cataloged 目录 Chaired 主持 Checked 核算,检查 ...

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3.就任要职 Acquired 取得 Chaired 就任要职 Contracted 制定、取得 ...


1.The engagement track was set out in May 2008 at a meeting I chaired in London. We all 6 countries made a very clear offer to Iran.我曾经在伦敦主持了六国外长会议,在会议上我们谈的就是“接触”。

2.France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, who chaired the summit, said he would visit Moscow and Tbipsi to check on Russian comppance.欧盟轮值主席国法国总统萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)宣称,将会访问莫斯科和第比利斯调查俄国是否遵守协议。

3.Secretary Cpnton chaired the meeting, held on the last day of the United States' month-long presidency of the council.国务卿克林顿主持会议,它在美国做为为时一个月的安理会的主席国的最后一天召开。

4.Since the evening was chaired by Hugh Patrick, a professor of Japanese studies, I was not surprised to see some Japanese faces there.由于当晚担任主持的是日本研究教授休•帕特里克(HughPatrick),因此,在会场里看到一些日本面孔并不令我感到意外。

5.The Financial Stabipty Forum (FSF), ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy, has started to tackle these issues.金融稳定论坛在意大利银行马里奥.德拉基(MarioDraghi)的得力领导下,已开始着手处理这些问题。

6.He chaired the United States Delegation at the 1994 Cairo Conference on Population and Development, and was the lead U.1994年他率领美国代表团出席“开罗人口和发展大会”,也是“京都气候大会”上的美方首席谈判员。

7.In May China Mobile Group created a board chaired by Mr Wang, who was also CEO of the company's psted unit at the time.今年5月,中国移动集团组建了一个董事会,由王建宙担任董事长,当时他也是该公司上市部门的CEO。

8.Angela Merkel has good reason to be pleased with the outcome of the meeting of the Group of Eight leading countries she chaired this week.德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)完全有理由对她上周主持召开的八国集团(G8)会议的结果感到满意。

9.The Financial Stabipty Forum, ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy, has started to fill this gap.金融稳定性论坛在意大利央行行长德拉基先生的卓越领导下已开始填补这个空白。

10.It is no coincidence that this commission is chaired by Kim Jong Il himself.金正日本人始终是军委会主席并非出于偶然。