




1.新目标 ... 4.population increasing 人口增多 5.new goal 新目标 6.a childhood filled with joy 充满快乐的童年 ...

2.新的任务目标 ... History of this site 历史上此网站 New Goal 新的目标 Linear Gravity Thrust 线性重力推力 ...

4.新任务 ... 功能:+1% payout 新任务 New goal 新建筑 New Building ...

5.塔罗牌 ... 排球 done 塔罗牌 New Goal 穿耳洞 (这个先保留) New Fun ...


1.She will graduate after half a year and have no much time at the university, but she tells me that she has already has a new goal.对于还有半年就毕业的她来说,在大学的时光不多了,但此时她告诉我,她已有了新的目标。

2.When you set a new goal, think about what habits would enable you to put that goal on autopilot, thereby making it a done deal.当你确定一个目标时,思考一下什么样的习惯可以让你的那个目标顺利实现,然后付诸于行动。

3.By the time I was in the store, I was happy to be getting the milk. When my hand reached the bottle, I had achieved my new goal.我在商店买到牛奶时很高兴,当我拿到牛奶瓶时,我完成了我的新目标。

4.If it is out of necessity, then your new goal should be planning your escape route.如果这工作是必须的,你的新目标中应该要计划到“逃生路线”。

5.Then, set a new goal and get ready to work hard again.然后,设下新目标,再度准备好好打拼。

6.Set a new goal to work towards. As I said before, you should never dwell in your past negative experiences .以后的工作设立一个新的目标。正如我之前所说的,你不要停留在过去的消极经历中。

7.Dear schoolmates, a year's plan pes in spring. In the new term, let's set off to the new goal!同学们,一年之际在于春。在新的学期里,让我们向新的目标出发吧!

8.the new goal is not always coincide with recent popcy.新目标不总是与现有政策相一致。

9.So tonight, I challenge you to join me in setting a new goal: by 2035, 80% of America's electricity will come from clean energy sources.所以,今晚,我想让你们和我一起来制订一个新目标:争取在2035年之前使美国85%的电力供应量来自清洁能源。

10.The "Rule of One" states that you install one new goal at a time.这个理论注重的是一次你只确定一个新的目标。