


美式发音: [ˈtʃʌkrə] 英式发音: ['tʃʌkrə]






1.轮(人体精神集中点之一)each of the main centres of spiritual power in the human body

n.1.any of the seven main areas of spiritual energy in your body, according to a yoga theory


3.轮穴中,它将人体区 分为七个能量中心,也就是所谓的七大脉轮能量(Chakra),相当于中医理论中,将人体疾病区分成12条经络 …

7.脉轮系统在古印度的脉轮系统Chakra)中,人体共有七个主要能量中心,由脊骨底部开始到头顶,每个能量中心代表了身体一些部位 …

8.气轮瑜伽气轮(Chakra)与其对应的腺体 2008-07-23 23:09 善意的沟通,谦卑与臣服 2008-07-23 22:34 半浴法及其重要性 2008-07-2…


1.At the time Mila studied with her teacher, she was told to read from her crown chakra rather than her third eye.在Mila跟她老师学习的时候,她被告知从皇冠脉轮进行解读,而不是用第三眼。

2.It can be drawn into the human body and transformed, by the chakra system, into a more subtle and useable form of energy.通过脉轮系统,它可以被吸收入体内并转化至一种更微细和可利用的能量形式。

3.The chakra arms around Naruto take now the shape of the fox's head, giving it a ghostly appearance.脉轮抱住鸣人带形状的狐狸的头,给它一个幽灵般的外观。

4.The physical sense associated with this chakra is the sense of touch, in its aspect of relation to the person inside the body.这个脉轮有关的感觉器官是触觉,及其内在的感觉。

5.Much of this knowledge is relayed from the grids to the human vehicle, through a system of energy wheels, known to you as the chakra system.大多数知识是从网格传播到人类媒介物里,通过一能量轮系统,就是你熟知的脉轮系统。

6.Let us synthesize the heart chakra, shoulders , elbows and hands into a complete rainbow of tones, without beginning and without end.让我们合成心脏脉轮、肩膀、肘部和手掌,进入完全的彩虹音调,没有起始没有尽头。

7.When this chakra is in its clear state, the person is able to feel secure, be present in the here and now, and be grounded.当这个脉轮畅通时,人会有安全感,处在当下,感觉脚踏实地。

8.Many people connect the color frequency of a specific chakra with that of the stone being used.大多数人把特定穴位的色彩频率与正在使用的宝石对应起来。

9.The parts of the body associated with this chakra include the heart and lungs, and the blood circulatory system as a system.身体同该脉轮有关的部分包括心和肺,以及血液循环系统。

10.Feel the energy suddenly emerge from your Root Chakra, Spirapng up through the base of your spine as if it were a coiled snake.感觉能量突然从你的根脉轮出现,通过你的脊骨底部螺旋往上,好象它是一条盘卷的蛇。