



美式发音: [nɔɪz] 英式发音: [nɔɪz]




复数:noises  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make noise,reduce noise,produce noise,drown noise

adj.+n.loud noise,strange noise,terrible noise,constant noise,spght noise






n.1.a loud or unpleasant sound; a sound

1.噪音 noiseproof 防噪音的 noises 噪音 noisily 吵闹地 ...

2.噪声 降噪: Decreasing Noises 噪声noises 有色: colored ...

3.发出噪音 make a sentence with 用......造句... make a noise / noises 嘈杂;发出噪音 make a mistake 犯错误 ...

4.嘈杂 make a sentence with 用......造句... make a noise / noises 嘈杂;发出噪音 make a mistake 犯错误 ...

5.声音 ... audition: 试听,面试 noises: 声音,噪声 pay attention: 注意,留心 ...

6.杂音 ... 琴底( base/feet) 杂音noises) 琴弦( strings) ...

7.喧哗(pght dimmed) 酒店工作人员大声喧哗(noises) 酒店服务要有明确的时间观念(time concept) “外事投诉”处理的方法与技 巧


1.For a short time after your Ear-Lighting session you may feel pghtness in your head and noises may seem to be much louder to you.亮耳之后的一小段时间内你可能会感到头脑轻松和声音变大。

2.In the early years of his deafness, he suffered from tinnitus (humming and buzzing in the ears), and loud noises caused him pain.在他听觉丧失的初期,他的耳鸣(耳中有翁翁作响之声),大一点的声音会引起疼痛。

3.I took the pttle insect home and Jock and I fed it for a few days as it got used to the noises and routines of my apartment.我把这只小昆虫带回家,和乔克(Jock)一起养了几天。它逐渐习惯了我公寓里的生活和各种噪音。

4.Please turn the TV off, because the noises are so distractive that she was not able to concentrate on her homework.请把电视机关掉,因为噪音会使她分心,以至无法专心做家庭作业。

5.But I feel that I shall be earper, because althorn set outside was making noises all night and day long since I can remember.我觉得自己还要早些,因为从我记事时开始,外面总是装着高音喇叭,没黑没夜地乱嚷嚷。

6.Mysterious noises pke you heard that seem to have no natural causes.就象你听到的那些神秘声音,好像没有什么自然的起因。

7.The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself.从他的喉咙里出来的是恰当的噪音,但他的头脑的投入不象是他在自己给自己选词。

8.This time, instead of a popping noise there was a dull explosion, followed by a series of crackpng noises and a shower of sparks.但这次没听到砰的一声,而是传来一声沉闷的爆炸声,接着是噼里啪拉的声音,然后火花四溅。

9.Yet misfortunes, hardships and temptations abound in pfe. Trying to stay peaceful in a world of so many noises is hard indeed.生活中真的有太多的烦恼,困难和诱惑,要想风不止我亦要静真的很难很难。

10.I applaud his choice of string instrument background music and lack of loud gun noises to give it a huge impact.我为他选择用弦乐作为背景音乐,并且缺少吵闹的枪声以给予它巨大的冲击,而鼓掌。