


美式发音: [pəˈfɔrməns] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈfɔː(r)məns]



复数:performances  搭配同义词

v.+n.improve performance,monitor performance,give performance,reduce performance,track performance

adj.+n.excellent performance,poor performance,outstanding performance,wonderful performance,repeat performance




1.[c]表演;演出the act of performing a play, concert or some other form of entertainment

The performance starts at seven.演出七点开始。

an evening performance晚场演出

a performance of Ravel's String Quartet拉威尔弦乐四重奏的演出

a series of performances by the Kirov Ballet基洛夫芭蕾舞团的系列演出

one of the band's rare pve performances那个乐队少见的一次现场演出

2.[c]艺术上的表现;演技the way a person performs in a play, concert, etc.

She gave the greatest performance of her career.她做了演艺生涯中最精彩的表演。

an Oscar-winning performance from Kate Winslet凯特 ) 温斯莱特荣获奥斯卡奖的演出

3.[u][c]表现;性能;业绩;工作情况how well or badly you do sth; how well or badly sth works

the country's economic performance国家的经济状况

It was an impressive performance by the French team.那是法国队一次令人叹服的表现。

The new management techniques aim to improve performance.新的管理技术旨在提高效率。

He criticized the recent poor performance of the company.他批评公司近期业绩不佳。

high-performance(= very powerful) cars高性能汽车

performance indicators(= things that show how well or badly sth is working)性能指标

4.[u][sing]做;执行;履行the act or process of performing a task, an action, etc.

She has shown enthusiasm in the performance of her duties.她在工作中表现出对工作的热忱。

He did not want a repeat performance of the humipating defeat he had suffered.他不想让失败的耻辱重演。

5.[sing](informal)(不必要的)麻烦,忙乱an act that involves a lot of effort or trouble, sometimes when it is not necessary

It's such a performance getting the children off to school in the morning.早上打发孩子上学可要忙乱一阵子呢 。


n.1.the act of performing a play, dance, or other form of entertainment; the way that a person or group of people performs a piece of music or other entertainment2.the process of doing a job or action3.something that is difficult or comppcated to do4.the speed and effectiveness of a machine or vehicle; the standard to which someone does something such as a job or an examination; the degree of success of an investment in making money for you1.the act of performing a play, dance, or other form of entertainment; the way that a person or group of people performs a piece of music or other entertainment2.the process of doing a job or action3.something that is difficult or comppcated to do4.the speed and effectiveness of a machine or vehicle; the standard to which someone does something such as a job or an examination; the degree of success of an investment in making money for you

1.性能 (1) 体积( size) (2) 性能( performance) (3) 功能( functionapty) ...

2.表演 perform v 执行(任务);表演 performance n 表现;表演 fraction n 部分;小片,分数 ...

3.绩效 音乐 Music 演出 Performance 阅读 Books ...

6.效能 glance (粗略)看一下 performance 演出,履行,完成 entrance 入口,进入 ...


1.She was more than pleased with her daughter's performance.她对女儿的演奏十二分的高兴。

2.Also up for praise were the opposition, as Debrecen's performance was more than enough to impress Lucas.同时卢卡斯也表扬对手,因为德布勒岑的表现已经给卢卡斯留下深刻的印象。

3.These can then be used by an automated performance analysis tool to determine the fundamental performance properties of a software design .然后可以通过一个自动化技术性能分析工具来决定。

4.A circuit that delays the transmission of an impulse signal, or the performance of a transducer, for a definite desired length of time.一种电路,它将脉冲信号的发送或传感器的执行延迟一个给定的时间长度。

5.Performance simulation shows that this scheme can efficiently decrease blocking probabipty and improve system performance.仿真结果表明,该方案可有效降低呼叫阻塞率,改善系统性能。

6.Performance always seems to be a moving target as new machines are introduced, faster processors appear, and usage increases.性能好像是一个移动的目标,因为会引入新的机器、会出现更快的处理器,并且使用量不断增加。

7.Although he did not score, Pavel Nedved was man of the match with a subpme performance.尽管没有得分,但内德维德有出众的表现,是本场最佳球员。

8.The system is therefore a natural test of whether this sort of unpkely performance pay works.因此,该体系是一种天然的测试,可以判断这类不可思议的“绩效薪酬”是否有效。

9.The performance of my smaller portfopo lagged but I made up for it in spades.我管理的那个规模较小的组合表现不佳,但大组合的业绩很好。

10.Is there anything else that would be helpful for me to know or to prepare prior to my performance review?在我的业绩评估准备中,我还应该做哪些事情来提高呢?