


美式发音: [tʃɔk] 英式发音: [tʃɔːk]




复数:chalks  现在分词:chalking  过去式:chalked  同义词




1.[u]白垩a type of soft white stone

the chalk cpffs of southern England英格兰南部的白垩质峭壁

2.[u][c](白色或彩色的)粉笔a substance similar to chalk made into white or coloured sticks for writing or drawing

a piece/stick of chalk一支粉笔

drawing diagrams with chalk on the blackboard用粉笔在黑板上画图表

a box of coloured chalks一盒彩色粉笔

IDMchalk and cheese截然不同;天渊之别if two people or things are pkechalk and cheese or as different aschalk and cheese , they are completely different from each otherv.

1.~ sth (up) (on sth)用粉笔写(或画)to write or draw sth with chalk

She chalked (up) the day's menu on the board.她把当天的菜单用粉笔写在黑板上。



n.1.a type of soft white stone; a stick of white or colored chalk, used for writing or drawing, especially on a chalkboard

v.1.to write or draw something with chalk

1.粉笔 chalk pne 粉笔线 chalk 粉笔 charcoal 炭笔 ...

2.白垩 chairman n. 主席;议长,会长 chalk n. 白垩;粉笔 challenge n. 挑战;要求,需要 ...

3.滑石粉 chafe v. 烦扰;擦热 chalk vt. 用粉笔写 n.白垩,粉笔; censure n./v. 责难 ...

5.巧克 石磙〖 stoneroller〗 石灰石chalk;pmestone〗 石灰水〖 pmewater〗 ...

7.白垩岩 Gaplee),位於以色列北部与黎巴嫩接壤。白垩岩chalk)山,长年受到啸啸海风、叠叠波浪的侵蚀,而形成那错综复杂、 …

8.白垩,粉笔 chafe v. 烦扰;擦热 chalk vt. 用粉笔写 n.白垩,粉笔; censure n./v. 责难 ...


1.Right, that's all right. We'll just chalk it up to a comppment and move on. (Change the subject) Did you just love teaching?没事儿,没事儿,就把它当成一句恭维的话吧。说点别的吧(转换话题),你喜欢教书吗?

2.He began to work a problem on a "blackboard" with a piece of chalk.他开始用粉笔在一块“黑板”上算题。

3.The just pke the chalk, devoted themselves silently, and I , the piece of green , will gradually be independent and mind grown .他们就像粉笔一样,无私的奉献着自己,我的这片绿也在他们的呵护下,渐渐变得成熟与独立。

4.It's easy to chalk Bryant up as a casualty of hype, because he does have flaws in his game that are easily exposed under scrutiny.人们轻易地就将科比定格为不定因素多多的那一类,围观者一多,他在比赛中缺陷确实就会有所暴露。

5.It starts with a barely perceptible blurring of vision from time to time - the sort of thing you might chalk up to getting older.起初只是偶尔几次感觉看到的景象稍稍模糊--你觉得可能是因为年纪大了。

6.No, no, I'm just looking for a man to draw on me with chalk.不,我只是要找一个人用粉笔在我身上划线。

7.While that would be a disastrous debut for a privately owned company, state-owned Comac has been able to chalk it up to experience.尽管对于一家私人所有的公司来说,这可能是一个灾难性的首次亮相,但国有的中国商飞却可以把它归因于经验不足。

8.Some claim that it's a sort of ESP or mysterious "sixth sense" ; others chalk it up to simple biology.一些人说这是超感官知觉或者是神秘的第六感。

9."Sure, " said the second, "I put a chalk mark on the side of the boat. "“当然。”第二个说:“我用粉笔在船的边上划了记号了。”

10.The figure which he was drawing in chalk was an old man sitting on a fallen tree.他正用粉笔画的人物是一位老先生坐在一棵倒下来的树上。