



美式发音: [ˈskɔrər] 英式发音: [ˈskɔːrə(r)]




n.1.a player who scores a point in a game2.a scorekeeper


1.Just a week ago, on a cold night in Milwaukee, he had gone to the scorers table to substitute for Shannon Brown(notes).只是一周前,在密尔沃基的一个寒冷的晚上,他走向记分台边准备换下香农-布朗。

2.We have to keep scoring, the Wiz have good scorers. Yao hasn't touch the ball for a while.我们必须继续得分,奇才有很好的得分球员,姚已经有一段时间没有触球了。

3.Good luck to the test scorers who must decipher the scrawls of young people who've been typing on computers since the age of three!祝那些评分者好运,他们必须解读学生潦草的字迹,这些年轻人的字迹之所以潦草是因为从三岁起就是使用电脑来打字的。

4.Pakistan was one of the lowest scorers for personal safety, with Karachi and Islamabad ranked 213th and 203rd respectively.巴基斯坦是人身安全方面得分最低的地方之一,卡拉奇和伊斯兰堡分别位列第213位和第203位。

5.even before this season , owen was well - estabpshed in fourth place in the all - time pst of england scorers.甚至在本赛季前,欧文还处于英格兰射手榜第四的位置。

6.With chances pke those, one of the greatest England scorers ever, Alan Shearer, advocated thumping it, as Emile did.像这样的机会,从前英格兰的一位著名球员,阿兰舒利亚,和埃米尔一样,也推崇使用劲射。

7.Ironic then that his efforts have pushed talented NBA scorers out of their comfort zones to his home turf.好笑的是,他的努力使得那些NBA天才球员们离开了他们舒适的内线而情愿来到他的家乡地盘。

8.He may be one of the most successful scorers in Manchester United, but he surely knows how to help the team.在曼联他是最优秀的射手之一,不过他依旧很清楚地知道如何帮助球队。

9.High ACE scorers who do not overeat, smoke or take drugs still have high rates of obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes.经历多重ACE的人,尽管不多吃,不吸烟也不吸毒,其发胖、得心脏病、抑郁症以及糖尿病的机率仍远高于常人。

10.We were the top scorers last term and I am sure with Amauri in the side we'll do even better.我们是上赛季进球最多的球队,我相信随着阿毛里的加盟,我们会做得更加出色。