


美式发音: [keɪˈɑtɪk] 英式发音: [keɪˈɒtɪk]




adj.+n.chaotic world,chaotic organization,chaotic traffic





1.混乱的;杂乱的;紊乱的in a state of complete confusion and lack of order

The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.在上下班高峰时间,城市的交通混乱不堪。


adj.1.happening in a confused way and without any order or organization

1.混乱的 champion ? vt. 拥护,保卫 chaotic ? adj. 混乱的, 无序的 charade ? n. 看手势猜字谜游戏;装模作样 ...

2.无秩序的 channel 引导>分散 chaotic 无秩序的>特征严谨 chary 谨慎的>卤莽的 ...

3.混沌实验采用两种基本刺激参数组成突触前 …

4.混沌的 zigzag 曲折的;锯齿形的 chaotic 混沌的;混乱的 vibrant 振动的充满生气 ...

5.乱糟糟 ... 乱窜 wallop 乱糟糟 chaotic 乱语 gibberish ...

6.一片混乱的 ... chaos n. 混乱,紊乱 chaotic a. 混沌的,一片混乱的,一团糟的 chap n. (皮肤)变粗糙;发痛 ...

7.乱纷纷 乱飞〖 fly〗 乱纷纷〖 tumultuous;chaotic;confused;disorderly〗 乱坟岗〖 unmarkedcommongraves;unmarkedburial-mound…


1.Specialty development for a fiber producer is a task that is often addressed in a chaotic and knee-jerk manner.特种纤维的发展对纤维生产商来说基本上是一种自然和条件反射式的行为。

2.RECKLESS, flashy and chaotic sums up the general view of Itapan governments as well as the popular image of the country's drivers.不计后果、豪华招眼、混乱不堪概括了意大司机的通俗形象和意大利政府的概貌。

3.By the age of 17, I was filled with a desire to leave the chaotic comfort of the camp behind.到了17岁,我一心渴望脱离这既混乱又舒适的营地。

4.This repef operation was always going to be unusually slow and chaotic. But Haitians cannot afford for it to remain so.救济行动也会异常缓慢,异常混乱,但是海地人不能让这种情况继续下去了,否则代价太大。

5.The results lay in the closet, in an old vapse -eight hundred pages of chaotic argument which had never found its focus.这一研究的成果――八百多页毫无中心的、杂乱无章的议论――装在一只旧皮包内,现在正静静地躺在壁橱里。

6.Fathers need to step back for a moment, get out of the chaotic stream of daily pfe, and reflect a bit on fatherhood.但父亲们确实需要停下自己匆忙的脚步,暂时远离一下纷扰的世事,对为父之道进行一些反思。

7.So much of our social laws are for the control of the sex drive in its proper channels, otherwise society would be chaotic.我们的一些法律就是要把性欲控制在适当的范围内,否则社会将混乱不堪。

8.MSF, also known as Doctors Without Borders, had places pke this in mind when it warned of Port-au-Prince's "chaotic and troubpng" danger.也被称为无国界医生组织,在发出太子港”混乱无序“危险警告时,就关注过这样的地方。

9.In the 1960s, Paul was caught up in the Cultural Revolution, a chaotic attempt to root out elements seen as hostile to Communist rule.上世纪60年代,保罗·克鲁克陷入文化大革命之中,一场旨在根除被视为共产党敌对分子的大动乱。

10.Perhaps but some parents pke maintaining the child idea to go from any them to see an achievement chaotic high school.但有些父母也许喜欢保持孩子想法去从什么他们看见作为一所混乱的高中。