


美式发音: [tʃekt] 英式发音: [tʃekt]







checked显示所有例句adj.— see alsocheck

1.有方格图案的(常为双色)having a pattern of squares, usually of two colours

checked material印有方格图案的布料



adj.1.printed or woven in a pattern of squares

v.1.The past participle and past tense of check

1.检查 Chaired 主持 Checked 核算,检查 Clarified 阐明 ...

2.复选框的选择状态 onchange 更改 checked 复选框的选择状态 self 当前框架的同义词 ...

3.选中 type 类型 checked 选中 SUBMIT 提交 ...

4.方格图案的 (gen pl) 方格图案 (also: checked) 方格图案的 (not mental) 生理的 ...

5.受阻的 ... chart parsing 表式剖析 [图表句法分析] checked 受阻的 checking 验证 ...

6.核对 checkbook 控制;核算;停止 checked 核对;托运;制止 checkup 检查…

7.格子花纹的 charter vt. 特许 checked a. 格子花纹的;棋盘状的 coil v. 盘绕 ...


1.Frances was all dolled up in a very short checked cotton dress with a flounce around the skirt and a matching hair ribbon.法兰西斯穿了件格子图案的短棉袄,一条带荷叶边的裙子,头发上系了跟匹配的缎带。

2.For me though, hassle means more inconvenience than fisticuffs and I seem to be supported in this by most of the dictionaries I checked.不过对我而言,hassle比用拳头解决问题可要困难复杂多了。我查的大多数词典似乎都印证了我的看法。

3.I took my revolver out of my pocket, and checked that it was ready to fire.我从衣兜里取出了左轮手枪,并确认它可以随时射发了。

4.They closely checked my documents and began to ask me if I was actually Chinese.他们仔细查看了我的文件,然后开始问我,我是否是中国公民。

5.And last time I checked, my manhood won't even let me turn the TV on when new episodes of that show air.上次我试过,当它的新一季开播时,我的男子气概根本不给我打开电视的机会。

6.When a squad moved out of a village, the self-help groups checked to see that everything borrowed from the people had been returned.当一个班撤离一个村庄时,互助组检查从老百姓那儿借来的东西是否退还了。

7.If it were a pistol, I would insist anger, pke control, be checked at the door.如果愤怒是手枪,我会坚持要求将愤怒和控制欲一样拒之于门外。

8.Frank: He checked in today. I'm supposed to meet him at the hotel at 6: 00 p. m. , but I'm going to be a pttle late.法兰克:他今天办理住房手续,我本来晚上6点要和他在饭店碰面,但我会稍微晚一点到。

9.Of course, conditions must be checked to ensure that the savings account in question has enough money in it to make up for the overage.当然,这必须符合一定的条件,即储蓄帐户中必须有足够多的钱来补偿透支的金额。

10.Anti-pattern: Source files stay checked out of a repository for long periods of time due to the amount of changes required for tasking.反模式:由于所需的修改太多,源代码长时间签出存储库。