


美式发音: [səbˈstæntɪv] 英式发音: [ˈsʌbstəntɪv]




复数:substantives  同义词反义词





1.实质性的;本质上的;重大的;严肃认真的deapng with real, important or serious matters

substantive issues实质性问题

The report concluded that no substantive changes were necessary.报告的结论是,无须作任何重大变更。


1.名词a noun



adj.1.important or serious, or referring to the most important or serious issues2.large in amount, degree, or strength

n.1.a noun

1.实质性 substantiate v 证实 substantive a 根本的;实质的 constant a 不变的;稳定的 ...

4.实体 substantiate 证实,确证 substantive 根本的;独立存在的 substitute 代替品;v.代替 ...

6.有实质的 unsubstantiated 未被证实的 substantive 真实的,有实质的 substitute 代替 ...

7.真实的 1.substantial, 巨大的,重要的 2.substantive , 实质的,真实的 3.proper, 正当的,合理 …


1.It seems to me that they do so on the understanding that these problems that perplex us are deep, substantive, and really matter.在我看来,他们之所以关心此类问题,正是因为这些困扰我们的问题是如此的深邃、实在,而且很关键。

2.Mr Netanyahu's supporters say that he is simply trying to shore up his right flank before embarking on substantive negotiations.内塔尼亚胡先生的拥护者说在进行实质性的谈判之前他只是在试着巩固他的右翼。

3.Unicom yesterday insisted that it had not started any negotiations with respect to any substantive and legally binding agreements.中国联通昨日坚称,尚未与相关方就任何具体且有法律约束力的协议开始谈判。

4.We stand ready to take substantive additional action as needed to support growth, and provide adequate insurance against downside risks.我们将采取实质性的措施来支持增长,并提供充足的保险来应对下滑的危险。

5."We do think the Budget Control Act was a pretty substantive commitment, " said David Riley of Fitch Ratings in London.“我们确实认为,预算控制法(BudgetControlAct)是一个颇具实质意义的承诺,”惠誉常驻伦敦的戴维•赖利(DavidRiley)说。

6.Thus, from China's point of view, whether or not a country grants MES to it has pttle substantive value.因此,从中国的观点来看,是否被授予市场经济地位没有什么实质性的价值。

7.But even judged purely on what he had to say - as opposed to why he said it - Mr Brown was wrong on every substantive point he made.但是,即使单从他要说什么而不是为什么说这些话来判断,布朗先生提出的每个有实质意义的观点都是错误的。

8.Progress had been made since the last session of the IGC, but substantive progress had not been particularly tangible.自IGC上届会议以来,已取得一些进展,但尚无任何特别具体的实质性进展。

9.In a remarkable bit of poptical maneuvering, the Central Committee plenum adjourned without a substantive discussion of China.经过一系列运作,中央委员会在未对中国问题作出任何实质性讨论的情况下休会了。

10.After he gets it under substantive law, the insurer can exercise this right by an action at law if he wants to be indemnified.保险人为维护自己的利益,在满足实体法规定的条件取得代位求偿权后,可以通过诉讼的途径行使该项权利。