




1.皇家 卡尔曼 gors kallmann 皇家 ROYALE 巴特·罗宾逊 Barratt Robinson ...

2.罗亚尔 ... royal 王室的 royale 蛋糕饰块 royapsm 君主主义 ...

5.天际蓝 ... ├─ Tango LunaVX 简约(暗蓝色) ├─ Royale 天际蓝(柔和的风格) ├─ Royale 深邃黑(很酷的黑色) ...

6.皇家套房便迫不及待地想马上看看已准备好、等著我的"皇家套房"(Royale)。    饭店实在太大!

7.罗雅 SAUJIN 西晋 ROYALE 罗雅 OTHER 其它 ...


1.The Royale Lounge provides personapzed check-in and check-out services, continental breakfast, all-day refreshments and evening cocktails.行政楼层提供快速入住和退房服务,自助餐早点,点心饮料及晚间鸡尾酒。

2.Props are not allowed to take time for you to install the props Battle Royale, Kidd did not get the cheap.不准带道具也没有时间给你安装道具的大逃杀,基德占不了丝毫便宜。

3.You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? . . . They call it a Royale with cheese.你知道他们在巴黎管四分之一磅芝士汉堡叫啥吗?叫皇家芝士汉堡。

4.Just about two years ago this column was born after I had the idea to mix up a few Vesper Martinis , having just seen Casino Royale.仅仅两年以前,在我想到混合几种马丁尼酒后这个栏目也就诞生了,仅能在《皇家赌场》里看到。

5.From the beginning of Casino Royale , we know that this is a real man on his first mission with the MI6.《皇家赌场》的一开头便让我们了解这是一个真正的英雄首次在MI6执行任务。

6.Even watching Casino Royale with the headphones at full volume, I cannot escape the sleeping, snoring giants around me.即使把耳机调到最大音量观看《皇家赌场》(CasinoRoyale),我也无法摆脱周围鼾声如雷的大块头。

7.A variety of movies have been shot in the area, including scenes from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Casino Royale and Oceans Twelve.很多电影都在这里拍摄,像《星球大战:克隆人的进攻》、《皇家赌场》以及《十二罗汉》。

8.The French call it "herbs royale. " Medi Europeans thought it to be a sorcerer's herb.法国人称罗勒为“皇室香草”,地中海的欧洲人把它看作巫师的香草。

9.Along the reefs dotting Fiji, overfishing has pitted corals against algae in a battle royale.在珊瑚群包围的斐济,过度捕捞已经激起了海藻-珊瑚大战。

10.this year, a real estate company after repeated research Shun finally enacted Royale Yuan design tender.今年,顺开房地产公司经过反复研究,终于制定了聚龙苑规划设计招标书。