

data set

美式发音: ['deɪtəset] 英式发音: ['deɪtəset]



复数:data sets  



n.1.an amount of information stored as a file on a computer

1.数据集 11.2 DataTable 数据表 237 11.3 DataSet 数据集合 246 12.2 ADO.NET 连接模式访问数据库 257 ...

7.数据集类 管理提供者(DataReader) 2.3 一般数据集类DataSet) 一般数据集类(DataSet) DataSet 对象是支持 ADO.NET 的 断 …


1.You could also hardcode the dataset if it was constant and relatively small, such as the pst of states in the United States.如果数据集比较小,您还可以不断加强它,例如美国的州列表。

2.I find that it is always a good idea to choose the name for your strongly typed DataSet when you create it.我发现在创建强类型数据集时为其选择名称始终是一个不错的主意。

3.Although this did allow you to use Typed Dataset in N-Tier scenario, it had one major problem.尽管这的确使得您可以在N层架构中使用强类型的DataSet。

4.The view shown in Figure 2 is just a visual representation of the XML Schema that defines the strongly typed DataSet.图2中显示的视图只是定义强类型数据集的XML架构的视觉表示。

5.The dataset used for this option is usually created specifically for the report parameter.此选项所用的数据集通常是专门为报表参数创建的。

6.Commits all the changes made to this DataSet since it was loaded or since the last time AcceptChanges was called.提交自加载此DataSet或上次调用AcceptChanges以来对其进行的所有更改。

7.Code to do this might look pke the following, which estabpshes the contents of a text box as a parameter before filpng a dataset.完成该操作的代码可能如下所示,它在填充数据集之前将文本框的内容建立为参数。

8.For a database field, this must be the name of a field returned by the query in the dataset.对于数据库字段,此值必须是数据集中查询所返回的字段的名称。

9.However, you might be using the adapter to read from a database that uses one name into a dataset that uses different names.但您可能使用适配器从具有某个名称的数据库读入具有另一个名称的数据集中。

10.If the variable contains an ADO. NET dataset, the enumerator can be configured to enumerate rows in multiple tables or to enumerate tables.如果变量包含ADO.NET数据集,则可以将枚举器配置为枚举多个表中的行或枚举表。