


美式发音: [tʃaɪd] 英式发音: [tʃaɪd]



过去式:chided  过去式:chid  过去分词:chidden  现在分词:chiding  第三人称单数:chides  同义词反义词





1.批评;指责;责备to criticize or blame sb because they have done sth wrong

She chided herself for being so impatient with the children.她责怪自己对孩子不够耐心。

‘Isn't that a bit selfish?’ he chided.“那不有点自私吗?”他责备道。

v.1.呵叱,责骂;骂走,斥逐 (from; away)2.责备,责骂3.〈书〉(风,猎犬等)怒号,咆哮

v.1.to criticize someone, or to speak to them in an angry way because you think their behavior is wrong

1.责备 chiaroscuro n. 明暗对照法 chide ? v. 责备 choleric ? adj. 易怒的,暴躁的 ...

2.斥责 cherish v. 珍爱 chide v. 斥责 chiefly adj. 主要的,多半的 ...

3.责骂 riveting:adj. 迷人的 23。 chide :v. 斥责, 责骂 24。 rubicund :adj. (脸色, 肤色等)红润的, 透红的 2…

4.指责 chicanery n. 欺诈,欺骗 chide v. 叱责,指责 chimera n. 神话怪物,梦幻 ...

5.喝叱 chicken 鸡 chide 喝叱 chief 领袖 ...

6.叱责 chicanery n. 欺诈,欺骗 chide v. 叱责,指责 chimera n. 神话怪物,梦幻 ...

7.温和地责备 ... 2. chew out 严厉责骂 10. chide (温和地)责备;指责 5. berate 严责 ...

8.谴责 ... 责难,非难 |chastise v. 严厉惩罚,谴责 |chide v. 极力谴责,判刑(死刑等) |condemnation n…


1.Fat , Foopsh, Ugly, Clumsiness, Your host chide and laugh you , But you aren't inaudibipty . You think of that it is praise!肥胖、愚蠢、丑陋、笨拙,你的主人斥责嘲笑你,你听不懂,以为那是赞美!

2.Iago. I pray you, be content; 'tis but his humour: The business of the state does him offence, And he does chide with you.伊阿古请您宽心,这不过是他一时的心绪恶劣,在国家大事方面受了点刺激,所以跟您呕起气来啦。

3.Mr Obama was notably silent about Saudi Arabia, as though unable to chide so vital an ally for its patent lack of reforming zeal.但奥巴马总统似乎无法对沙特阿拉伯——这个缺乏改革热情的重要盟友疾言厉色,就沙特他向来一言不发。

4.It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.对于行事保密的威权国家的国有电视台来说,谴责百度讳莫如深似乎有点过了。

5.I pray thee, chide not; she whom I love now doth grace for grace and love for love allow; The other did not so.请你不要责备我;我现在所爱的她,跟我心心相印,不像前回那个一样。

6.I console and chide my heroine, for her confrontational nature will keep getting her into trouble.我对我的女主人公又是安慰,又是责备,她的叛逆性格将让她陷入麻烦。

7.In his preteens he had a brief, intense repgious experience, going so far as to chide his assimilated family for eating pork.在他十来岁的时候,他曾有过一段短暂的信教经历,甚至因为家人被同化吃猪肉而责难他们。

8.His father chide him for his being late.他的父亲因他迟到而责备他。

9.He will chide sometimes, or He would not be a wise Father for such poor, erring children as we are.上帝有时会管教我们,否则祂就不是一位智慧的天父。

10.How can you chide your teenager for ignoring you in favor of a video game if you're always checking your i Phone for work messages?如果你经常查看iPhone上是否有工作信息的话,你怎么斥责你的十几岁的小孩沉迷于电子游戏呢?