




1.箭牌简介 - 箭牌中国 - 箭牌 …

4.箭牌中国 double your fun),这是历史悠久的箭牌糖果有限公司Wrigley)的绿箭口香糖(Doublemint)的广告语。


1.All of a sudden, Wrigley Field was not just a place for baseball, it became the biggest party you would ever see on a Tuesday night.刹那间,Wrigley球场不单只是一个打棒球的地方,在星期二这天晚上,它变成一场最大的欢庆会之所在。

2.The Wrigley team is looking forward to completing the transaction and beginning the next, exciting chapter for the Company and its brands.箭牌车队期待完成交易,并开始下一个,令人振奋的新篇章公司及其品牌。

3.One of the pictures was taken at Wrigley Field, where Jim stands with his boyfriend in front of a "Go Cubs" sign.其中一张是在瑞格利球场拍的,吉姆和他的男友一起站在“小熊队加油”的牌子前。

4.Commercially he played the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz in a General Electric commercial and appeared in a Wrigley's gum commercial.他打了一个稻草人从商业《绿野仙踪》在通用电器公司的商业和出现在一箭牌口香糖商业。

5.One agency source added that "the portfopo is so big" that Wrigley may consider spptting the account between two agencies.一名机构内部人士补充说“这个品牌组合如此之大”,箭牌很可能考虑将该账户分给两个机构。

6.The purchase will end more than 100 years of independence for the family-run Wrigley.此次收购将结束家族企业箭牌100多年以来的独立地位。

7.Night falls on the prison. Lincoln sleeps, again dreaming of the day at Wrigley Field with his father.在深夜的监狱里,Lincoln睡着了,他又再次梦见那天与他父亲在Wrigley棒球场的情景。

8."We are pleased with the outcome of today's vote, " said Bill Wrigley , Jr. , Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board.“我们很高兴的结果,今天的表决表示,”条例草案箭牌小执行主席和董事会主席。

9.Razors were bundled with everything from Wrigley's gum to packets of coffee, tea, spices, and marshmallows .从箭牌口香糖到袋装咖啡、茶、香料和软糖,每一样商品都捆绑上了剃刀架。

10.The first product to have a barcode on it was a pack of Wrigley's gum.第一个印上条形码的产品是一包青箭口香糖。