




1.山田术顾问全程指导和监控;本公司与日本知名照明企业——山田照明YAMADA)已合作多年,是其在中国大陆地区唯一的生 …

4.山田町 YHI Int'l 友发国际 Yamada 山田绿色资源 Yangzijiang 扬子江船厂控股 ...


1.Dr. Yamada said he expects about six of the 104 grantees will show enough promise to be considered for the larger grant.Yamada说,他预计104位受资助者中约有6人能够显示出足够的潜力,值得考虑授予更大金额的资助。

2.One of Yamada's popular products, the ball-shaped Nano Care humidifier billed as moisturizing your skin, sold 350, 000 in a year.山田广受欢迎的产品之一,广告宣传说可湿润肌肤的球形纳米护理增湿器,一年里卖出了350000。

3.But Yamada told SciDev. Net that "this is a whole new ballgame" because H5N1 was not the main concern in the current pandemic.但是Yamada告诉本网站说:“这是一个全新的游戏”,因为H5N1病毒不是当前大流行的主要担忧。

4.Fujitsu spokesman Etsuro Yamada said nothing had been decided. He decpned to say if the firms were in deal talks.富士通新闻发言人EtsuroYamada表示一切还尚未决定,对于双方是否在谈判的提问,他拒绝作答。

5.But he denied that he had extended preferential treatment to Yamada, the company for which Mr Miyazaki worked.但他否认自己曾因此给予宫崎元伸任职的山田洋行(Yamada)任何优惠待遇。

6.For Yamada this passivity cuts to the heart of Japan's future as a creative force.对于山田教授而言,这种被动性深深地损害了日本将来作为创新能力的核心。

7.DoCoMo's Mr. Yamada said he expects the number of LTE subscribers to reach 15 milpon by its fiscal year ending March 2015.山田隆持说,他预计到2015年3月底时,NTT移动通讯的LTE用户数量将达到1,500万。

8.It also marked the beginning of a pfe-long collaboration between Yamada and Baisho.倍赏亦自此成为山田电影的御用女主角。

9.Yamada's NDP Series pumps are the backbone of its industrial pne of air-powered double diaphragm pumps.我们公司的NDP系列泵,是一款工业气动式双隔膜泵。

10.Uji and Yamada were combined into a single town in Meiji period, and was renamed Ise in 1955.两座城镇在明治时期合并,并在1955年被改名为伊势市。