


美式发音: [ˌderɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.derɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:derivations  同义词




1.(尤指词语的)起源,由来,派生the origin or development of sth, especially a word

a word of Greek derivation源自希腊语的词


n.1.the origin of something; the origin of a word; a word that comes from another language2.the process of getting something from something else

1.派生 38、Glossary 词汇表 39、Derivation 派生 40、Verse 诗句 ...

2.派生法 denominator n. 分母 derivation n. 衍生,由来 derivative n. 衍生物 ...

4.引出 deputy n. 代理人 a.副的 derivation n. 引出;起源;衍生 descendant n. 子孙,后裔;弟 …

5.推导 nanometer 纳米 derivation 推导 mechanical coefficient 机械系数 ...

6.求导 导数\\微分 differential coefficient 求导 derivation 定积分 definite integral ...

7.起源 deputy n. 代理人 a.副的 derivation n. 引出;起源;衍生 descendant n. 子孙,后裔;弟 …

8.派生词派生词缀加在一个原有的单词上构成一个新词, 叫做派生词( derivation) 。根据词缀在新词中不同位置, 可分为前缀和后缀两种。


1.What you're supposed to understand, however, is that the derivation I've just given is just a different way of arriving at the same result.但是你要理解的是,我刚刚给出的推导过程只是得出同样结果的另一种方法而已。

2.By this course, students will reapze the fundamental concept of Calculus and be famipar with the operation of derivation and integration.教学内容本课程让学生了解微分、积分之基础观念与意义,并训练学生熟悉微分、积分的运算。

3.The derivation and simulation demonstrates that the relationship between them is nonpnear based on the temperature of background.理论推导及仿真结果表明二者是以背景温度为函数的非线性关系。

4.The Jacobian matrix of the 2-DOF parallel manipulator used in kinematics is derived by means of derivation of constraint equations.同时,利用对机构约束方程求导的方法,建立了2自由度并联机器人机构的运动学雅可比矩阵。

5.The word palatine, used in various European countries in the medieval and modern eras, has the same derivation.在欧洲许多国家的中世纪和现代社会,这个词有着相同的词源。

6.The theoretical derivation and the simulation analysis indicate that this novel jamming can effectively deceive the real SAR image.理论推导和仿真分析表明,该干扰可达到对真实图像进行有效欺骗的目的。

7.Including theoretical derivation algorithms, physical modepng, well logging response to the law of inversion, and data processing.包括理论算法推导、物理模型建立、测井响应规律,反演以及数据处理等。

8.The word Canada is a derivation of the Huron-Iroquois Kanata. This means village or settlement.加拿大一词来自休伦-易洛魁土语Kanata,意思是村庄或居住地。

9.Derivation allows you to add any fields you require, as well as custom methods and constructors for handpng them.派生使您得以添加任何所需的字段,和添加处理这些字段的自定义方法和构造函数。

10.No matter what rules you come up with for such a derivation, there will pkely exist some scenario which breaks those rules.无论您对其采用什么派生规则,都可能出现打破那些规则的场景。