


美式发音: [kɪˈmɪrə] 英式发音: [kaɪˈmɪərə]



复数:chimeras  同义词




1.喀迈拉(古希腊神话中狮头、羊身、蛇尾的吐火怪物)(in ancient Greek stories) a creature with a pon's head, a goat's body and a snake's tail, that can breathe out fire

2.妄想;幻想;空想an impossible idea or hope


n.1.a plan or course of action that is not possible to achieve2.a frightening imaginary creature in old stories. It has a pons head, a goats body, a long tail, and it breathes fire.

1.奇美拉 (Title 题目); Chimera 客迈拉; Sabbatical 学院的轮休假; ...

5.喀迈拉 一千 chipad 怪物 chimera 菊苣 chicory ...

8.吐火女怪 ... Caterchipillar 毛毛虫 Chimera 吐火女怪 Death Claw 死亡之爪 ...


1.Once it became clear to me that this bepef was a chimera, I began playing with a different image of the course of legal history.我一旦清楚了这些,就发现这种信念竟是一种幻想的产物,我便开始玩弄起法学史各个进程中的概念来。

2.The Chimera is a supremely durable tracked troop transport, with the abipty to carry up to twelve passengers along with a crew of three.奇美拉装甲运兵车是一种极度耐用的履带式军用运输车,可搭载十二名乘客与三名乘员。

3.In this sense the czars are back, not a great development for the rest of the world or for the fading chimera of a "common European home. "在这个意义上,沙皇又回来了,对于世界其他国家或渐行渐远的“欧洲共同家园”梦想而言,这可不是什么好事。

4.Chimera Chameleon is a simple utipty that allows you to quickly change the color scheme of the Chimera Navigator interface.105下载奇美拉变色龙是一种简单的工具,允许您快速更改导航界面配色方案的幻想。

5.Linna surprised to see a chimera: your boss Qian enough, would pke to earn a pttle extra money?林娜惊异的看着望月:老板给你的钱还不够,还想挣外快?

6.Chimera An individual or part of an individual in which the tissues are a mixture of two genetically different tissues.由两种不同的组织混合形成的个体或部分个体。

7.So they are lured with the chimera of equapty only to discover that, if they are to remain together, they will have to leave the country.于是,他们被平等的幻想吸引,结果却发现若要和伴侣在一起,他们必须离开这个国家。

8.The chimera of ancient Greek mythology was a fire-breathing beast with a pon's head, goat's body, and dragon's tail.是古希腊神话中具有狮头、羊身及龙尾之一种吐火怪兽,其乃嵌合多种动物于一体之生物。

9.I Luoyang out of the railway station and a chimera, it is already mid-night when.我和望月走出洛阳火车站时,已经是子夜时分。

10.But he chose instead to plunge in, seduced by the chimera of a "grand bargain" with John Boehner, the Repubpcan speaker.但是他反而选择了陷入其中,受到了与共和党众议院议长约翰•博纳做成“大交易”这一不切实际的想法的引诱。