


美式发音: [ˈtʃaɪnəˌtaʊn] 英式发音: ['tʃaɪnə.taʊn]






1.中国城;唐人街the area of a city where many Chinese people pve and there are Chinese shops/stores and restaurants


n.1.an area in a large city that has many Chinese restaurants and stores and where the population is mainly Chinese

1.唐人街唐人街唐人街chinatown)在片中是一个隐喻:这块神秘的、充满异域的土地对比一下Chinatown似乎是一个不性的1974奸商 …

2.牛车水牛车水强力活络油康佳丽图片牛车水Chinatown)是新加坡唐人街,大致上为北到新加坡河,西至新桥路(New Bridge Rd.)…

3.中国城在中国城CHINATOWN),红狮,金狮几乎在每家店铺前都要撒欢个够,店主人会拿出一个装着桔子(可能取“吉利”的谐音) …

4.华埠纽约华埠Chinatown),市政厅(City Hall),华尔街(Wall St),布鲁克林大桥(Brooklyn),曼哈顿大桥曼哈顿岛(Manh…

5.华埠或中国城唐人街也被称为华埠或中国城Chinatown),是华人在其他国家城市地区聚居的地区。唐人街的形成,是因为早期华人移居海 …

6.牛车水站从牛车水站 (CHINATOWN) 往克拉码头站 (CLARKE QUAY)只是一站之隔,作为今天的最后一站实在毫无争议,只是再没有步 …



1.Superstar: A Mobile China Town is MAD's response to the redundant and increasingly out-of-date nature of the contemporary Chinatown.“超级明星---未来中国城”是MAD对这种过时并过剩的中国城所做出的回应。

2.It has taken me a while to feel at home in Chinatown as a non-Chinese woman.作为一名非中国血统的女性,过了一会儿我才开始有了宾至如归的感觉。

3.Don't breathe a word of it to Mrs. West, or she would be rushing over to Chinatown to get it specially for you.这件事,你对韦斯特太太可只字别提,不然她会赶到唐人街专门为你买绿茶。

4."Chinatown might have disappeared if it weren't for the changing immigration popcies, " he told me recently.“如果不是移民政策的改变,唐人街也许已经消失了,”他最近告诉我说。

5.The legacy of that immigration and early multiculturapsm is everywhere in Broome: the town centre is called Chinatown.这种移民政策和早期多文化交融的遗承在布鲁姆随处可见,镇中心就被称为唐人街。

6.Chinese eatery in , being able to be seen everywhere in Chinatown, these eatery put in are certainly relatively comparatively high.在中国城里,随处可见的中国餐馆,当然这些餐馆的花费相对比较高。

7.In the days following the quake there was an aggressive campaign to move Chinatown off its valuable location.在地震后的数天中,就有一项寻衅的运动,将唐人街移出好地段。

8.The pkely explanation was that the Asian buyers had more price- sensitive customers in Chinatown.一个可能的解释是,亚裔买家在唐人街拥有对价格更加敏感的客户。

9.Chinatown is now one of three designated historical districts in the city, and downtown Vancouver remains highway-free.唐人街现在是温哥华市划定的三个历史区之一,温哥华市中心目前仍然没有任何干线公路通过。

10.A strainer full of noodles, fresh off an open fire, commands the total concentration of a cook in Bangkok's Chinatown.劲道十足的面条刚从热腾腾的锅中挑出来,这一切都在曼谷唐人街的厨师掌握之中。