


美式发音: [ˈɪntrəstəd] 英式发音: [ˈɪntrəstɪd]





adv.+adj.deeply interested,particularly interested,mildly interested,definitely interested

adj.+n.investor interested,interested user





1.感兴趣的;关心的;表现出兴趣的giving your attention to sth because you enjoy finding out about it or doing it; showing interest in sth and finding it exciting

I'm very interested in history.我很喜欢历史。

Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below.有意加入俱乐部者请按下面的地址和我们联系。

We would be interested to hear your views on this subject.我们很想听听你对这个话题的看法。

an interested audience兴致勃勃的观众

There's a talk on Itapan art─are you interested(= would you pke to go) ?有个关于意大利艺术的演讲 — 你想去听吗?

He sounded genuinely interested.听他的口气,他真的感兴趣。

2.有利害关系的;当事人的in a position to gain from a situation or be affected by it

As an interested party , I was not allowed to vote.作为有利害关系的一方,我不得投票。

Interested groups will be given three months to give their views on the new development.有关团体将有三个月的时间提出他们对新开发项目的看法。

adj.1.有关系的,有份儿的,有利害关系的2.对...感兴趣的,有趣味的 (in)3.为私利打算的,偏私的


adj.1.wanting to know about or take part in something2.wilpng or eager to do something

v.1.The past tense and past participle of interest

1.感兴趣的 VCD n. 影碟,光盘 interested adj. 感兴趣的 fond adj. 喜爱的,爱好的 ...

2.有兴趣的 interest 兴致 interested 有兴趣的 interesting 有兴趣的 ...

3.有权益的 confident adj. 自信的, 确信的 interested adj. 感兴趣的, 有成见的, 有权益的 positive 正面的 ...

4.对…感兴趣 → interest 兴趣;关系;利息 → interested 对…感兴趣 → interesting 有趣的 ...

5.对……感兴趣的 interest 使感兴趣 interested 对。。。感兴趣的 interesting 令人感兴趣的 ...


1.If a woman was solely interested in sex, then she wouldn't even be out on a date with you; she would be home with her vibrator.如果一个女人完全对性感兴趣,她就不可能和你出去约会,她更愿意和她的振动器呆在家里。

2.At a consumer electronics show, I caught the attention of a Disney executive and interested him in a watch with a hologram.在一个消费电子产品展览会,一个迪斯尼主管注意到我,因为我的一支有着全息图的手表引起了他的兴趣。

3.They couldn't afford hotels so they used to pretend she was a cpent, interested in one of the properties psted with his firm.他们付不起住宾馆的钱,于是就经常假装她是公司里一个客户,对公司里登记的某处住所有饶有兴趣。

4.JAVA on the new technology are very interested in and can work with the combination of a strong self-learning abipty.对JAVA新技术很感兴趣,并能与工作相结合,有很强的自学能力。

5.Mr Bard 'pooh-poohed the idea of her doing anything rash . . . he was simply not interested in bad news of any kind, ' Miller wrote.巴德先生“对于这个女人将做出的鲁莽的事表示蔑视——他只是对任何形式的坏消息不感兴趣”,米勒写道。

6."You are the only woman I can rely on to be interested in her" (John Galsworthy).“你是我唯一指望对她有兴趣的女人”(约翰·加尔斯沃塞)。

7.The winter day closed in, and Bertha, interested in the novel she was reading, was surprised to hear the clock strike .冬天的白昼很短,伯莎全神贯注地读着小说,听到钟响,感到很惊异。

8.Carol was very excited that I was interested in our family's history, even if it was just because a former sitcom actress told me to be.卡萝尔见到我开始对我们家的历史感兴趣,当然非常兴奋。即使这只是因为我被前情景喜剧里的女演员逼着做的。

9.As you know we are very interested in humanoid robot, human walking, so we decided to build a small humanoid robot.我们对人形机器人,人类行走机器人,非常感兴趣,我们决定造一个小型人形机器人。

10.I'm interested to hear what you think as well, so please weigh in with your own thoughts. Where do you see social media going in 2011?我很感兴趣听到你们是怎么想的,所以请权衡你的想法,2011年社区媒体将去向何方呢?