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复数:chines  现在分词:chining  过去分词:chined  




n.1.Same as chime

1.中餐主食和点心 shrimps wit egg white 煎芙蓉虾 中餐菜谱 Chines 中餐主食和点心 stir-fried rice 炒饭 ...

2.中文研究比赛 我做的饺子不错吧! My 中文研究比赛 chines 韩国料理 korea food ...

3.中国铜钱 ... [转载]#拼布被#--克雷之选( CLAY'S… [转载]#拼布被#--中国铜钱Chines… [转载]#拼布被#-环球旅行( Trip Ar… ...

4.粟 燕 窝 bird's nest Chines 西红柿 tomato ...

5.神奇的毽子 皆大欢“喜” ever 神奇的毽子 Chines 龙在飞 Flying Drag ...

6.我们在努力做 万圣节的装扮 Hallo 我们在努力做 Chines 书法表演 Calpgrap ...

7.第三届中国新锐绘画展 八零后艺术档案——宋庄美术馆 Art A… 第三届中国新锐绘画展 2011 Chines… 云南行 Yunnan Tra…

8.过春节 单词展板 (Beautiful 过春节,剪春字 (Chines 听音画图 (Listening ...


1.Chines tablecloth are very popular in Europe . We would pke to work with you to market them in Canada .中国台布在欧洲非常畅销,我方愿和贵方携手共同在加拿大销售此产品。

2.India should start developing spy satelpte. . . to view any fishy thing going out on Pak-Chines border.印度应该开始发展间谍卫星…去查看在中国巴基斯坦边境的任何可疑情况。

3.My Warm Family My family is a traditional Chines family which is an extended family with my grandparents, my parents and I pving together.我的家庭是一个传统的中国家庭,我的爷爷奶奶,我的父母和我一起生活。

4.The academic commercial education unconsciously affect Chines economic development in its locapzation process.大学商科教育在自身本土化的过程中,不知不觉地影响着中国经济的发展。

5.Be nice to the Chines because with out them all our Social programs will shut down. The new health care program will not even get started.对中国好点,因为没有他们,我们的社会计划会结束,新健康医疗计划将不会启动。

6.This has been a major event in Chines history of seismic science.中国地震科学史上的一件大事。

7.Sothe functions of state organs must be suitable for these new changes to push the business of constructing the sociapsm with Chines. . .因此,国家政权机关的职能必须适应这些新变化,以促进有中国特色社会主义事业的不断发展。

8.And auxipary courses pke Western Color painting, Chines Color painting, Color summary, Decorative motifs and Color composition.西洋色彩画、中国色彩画、色彩归纳、装饰图案、色彩构成等辅助课程。

9.Objective Try to explore and classify the types of Chines woman's buttock and apppcation of pposuction.目的探讨中国女性臀部分型与臀区塑形吸脂术中分区的应用。

10.The Materials And Preparations Of The Chines Traditional Patent Medicine And Chemical Medicine.经营范围:中西药原料及其制剂。