




1.新能源汽车新能源汽车(New Energy Vehicle)主要包括混合动力汽车、纯电动汽车、氢能和燃料电池汽车、乙醇燃料汽车、生物柴油汽车、 …

2.新能源车使用新能源车New Energy Vehicle)能显著 降低对石油资源的消耗和环境污染物的排放。目 前常见的新能源汽车包括:混合 …


1.As a type of new energy vehicle, electric vehicle's development has important significance.电动汽车作为新能源汽车,其发展具有重要的意义。

2.As one of the 13 Energy-Saving and New-Energy Vehicle Pilots, Changsha will exhibit electric vehicle related products for the first time.作为今年新确定的全国13个节能与新能源汽车示范推广试点城市之一的长沙,将首次展出相关电动汽车产品。

3.The new energy vehicle is an inevitable choice for low-carbon economy, which shows auto industry trends.新能源汽车是低碳经济的必然选择,代表汽车产业的发展趋势。

4.The European group cited restrictions including a proposed pmit of 50 percent foreign ownership in new energy vehicle companies.欧洲集团举出的限制条件包括:提议在新能源公司中限制国外股份只占50%。

5.There was also Shandong Baoya New Energy Vehicle Co. Ltd.还有一个例子是山东宝雅新能源汽车股份有限公司。

6.The new energy vehicle component of BYD's stand at the show was surprisingly low-key.而在比亚迪的展台,新能源汽车零部件展示区也显得出奇地低调。

7.Currently, there has been overheated in the new energy vehicle field, in particular battery.目前,新能源汽车的整车和投资,尤其是动力电池出现了“过热”现象。

8.New energy vehicle is promoted as national strategy in China due to energy and environmental influences.由于能源和环境的因素,发展新能源汽车已经成为中国的国家战略。

9.Energy-saving and new energy vehicle demonstration and extension of financial assistance fund management Interim Measures节能与新能源汽车示范推广财政补助资金管理暂行办法

10.New energy vehicle development; China Automotive Technology and Research Center新能源汽车发展;