




1.隆史肿瘤认识的逐步深入和外科技术的进步, 2004年,孝士Takashi)提出根据肿瘤解剖位置及形状进行分类的方法,但该方法 …

5.隆志ko) 的婚姻生活并不愉快, 任职证券行社长的丈夫隆志 (Takashi) 更常在外面幽会情人~ 跟丈夫妹妹悠子 (Yuko) 同住的织子, 某 …

6.有泉贵志 ... Eri 百武江梨 Takashi 有泉贵志 Jaruwan 高南香 ...


1.A spokesman for Sony, Takashi Uehara, said the company had no comment but was looking into the matter.索尼公司发言人TakashiUehara表示该公司对此不予评论,但会追踪调查此事。

2.Takashi Kudo , the owner of a construction company here, said he remained a loyal supporter of Liberal Democratic lawmakers.此间一家建筑公司的老板工藤隆说,他仍是自民党议员的死忠。

3.Nagoya Mayor Kawamura Takashi said the Nanjing Massacre "probably never happened" on Monday while meeting with a delegation from Nanjing.周一,名古屋市市长河村隆之在会见南京代表团访问时,宣称南京大屠杀“可能没有这回事”。

4.The most famous account of the Nagasaki bomb was written by one of its victims, radiology expert Takashi Nagai, who later died of leukemia.关于长崎原子弹爆炸的最著名实录是由受害者之一、放射学专家永井隆(TakashiNagai)撰写的,他后来死于白血病。

5.Takashi Masuko, director of "Lucky Bags" operations at Mitsukoshi, said the yearly shopping extravaganza is especially popular this year.新光商场“幸运包”课负责人TakashiMasuko说,今年的活动尤为受欢迎。

6.Many parallels can be drawn between the views expressed in his works and those proclaimed by Takashi Murakami in his super flat manifesto.而且今敏很多作品中的观点和村上隆的“扁平宣言”有异曲同工之秒。

7.Nor do they appear to be growing into the habit as they age, says Takashi Kasuya, an executive at Asahi, the second-biggest newspaper.日本第二大报纸,《朝日新闻》的主管人员TakashiKasuya说道“没有迹象表明,这些年轻人会随着年龄的增长而养成读报纸的习惯”。

8.The Japanese artist Takashi Murakami watched as balloons of his Kaikai and Kiki characters were readied for the parade.日本艺术家村上隆正在视察为感恩节大游行准备的画有KAIKAI和KIKI形象的气球

9."Sanrio depends on Hello Kitty too much, so it'd be good to add a major character, " said Takashi Oka, a Tokyo-based analyst at TIW Inc.「三丽鸥太依靠凯蒂猫了,所以要加入另一个主要角色是好事,」东京市调机构TIW分析师冈隆说。

10.The spokesman said Takashi Kawamura's remarks distorted historical facts and "seriously hurt the feepngs of the Nanjing people. "该发言人表示河村隆之的发言歪曲历史事实,“严重伤害了南京人民的感情”。