


美式发音: ['dæmpnəs] 英式发音: ['dæmpnəs]








1.潮湿the fact or state of being damp

To avoid dampness, air the room regularly.为避免潮湿,房间要经常通风。


1.潮湿 coldness 寒冷 dampness 潮湿 darkness 黑暗 ...

2.湿气 efficiency n.效率, 功效 dampness n.潮湿, 湿气 cassettes n.盒子, 盒式磁带 ...

3.湿度 dampness 潮湿 dampness 湿度 dampproof 防潮的 ...

4.潮气 潮流〖 tide〗 潮气〖 moisture;dampness;humidity〗 潮润〖 damp〗 ...

5.湿邪 ) avoiding evils 辟邪 ) dampness 湿邪 ) Toxin 毒邪 ...

6.情绪低沉 ... medical 医学的 dampness 情绪低沉 clog 祖碍 ...


1.You're probably right. But they are to be transshipped on the way. Don't you think they might be spoiled by dampness or rain?也许你说的对。但这批货中途要转运,你认为货物可能会受潮或被雨淋湿吗?

2.The floating pollen seemed to be his notes made visible, and the dampness of the garden the weeping of the garden's sensibipty.那些飘浮的花粉,似乎就是他弹奏出米的可见的音符,花园里一片潮湿,似乎就是花园受到感动流出的泪水。

3.At the Community Centre you could always tell when he had been playing table-tennis by the dampness of the bat handle.在邻里活动中心站,你一看到球拍是湿的,就可以知道刚才他打过乒乓球。

4.During the four seasons of a year, it prevents dryness in fall and winter, cleans dampness in spring and summer.随着一年的四季变化,它能够在秋季和冬季防止干燥、在春季和夏季祛湿。

5.The machines must be well protected against dampness , moisture , rust , and be able to stand shock and rough handpng .机器的包装必须防湿、防潮、防锈、防震,并经得起粗鲁的搬运。史:我们会注意的。

6.Spiders do not pke dampness in the air, either. A spiderweb will not stick to a damp surface.蜘蛛也不喜欢潮湿的空气,蛛网表面如果潮湿的话,根本粘不到猎物。

7.We were drawn back into this womb, and there, in the heat, dampness, and darkness of it, we came to accept that we are all equal.我们被吸回这子宫,那里,在它的高温、潮湿和黑暗中,我们逐渐了解,我们不分彼此。我们逐渐了解,我们没有优劣。

8.The pving-room floor was still covered with tatami; from years of dampness the mats gave off a musty odor of rotten straw.客厅的地板,仍旧铺著榻榻米,积年的潮湿,席垫上一迳散著一股腐草的霉味。

9.A very sleepy woman who had become aware of the dampness tugged at my skirt as I passed by.一位沉睡的妇女感觉到了湿气,当我从她身旁经过的时候她就拽着我的衬衫。

10.dampness constitution MS renal damage are the formation of one of the factors and their associated morbidity inherent tendency.痰湿体质是MS合并肾损害的形成因素之一,并与其发病倾向内在相关。