


美式发音: [tʃɑp] 英式发音: [tʃɒp]




过去式:chopped  第三人称单数:chops  现在分词:chopping  搭配同义词

v.+n.chop wood,chop tree,chop hole,chop basil

v.cut up,chop up,spce,hack,axe



1.切碎;剁碎;砍;劈to cut sth into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife

He was chopping logs for firewood.他在把原木劈成柴火。

Add the finely chopped onions.加入切碎的洋葱。

Chop the carrots up into small pieces.把胡萝卜切成小块。

The country was chopped up into small administrative areas.这个国家被划分为若干小的行政区。

2.[usupass](informal)~ sth (from sth) (to sth)(大幅度地)削减,降低;取消;终止to reduce sth by a large amount; to stop sth

The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence.股价由每股 50 便士猛降至 20 便士。

3.~ sb/sth向下猛击to hit sb/sth with a short downward stroke or blow

IDMchop and change(informal)变化无常;反复变换to keep changing your mind or what you are doingn.

1.[c]猪(或羊等)排a thick spce of meat with a bone attached to it, especially from a pig or sheep

a pork/lamb chop猪排;羊排

2.[c]砍;劈;剁an act of cutting sth with a quick downward movement using an axe or a knife

3.[c]掌劈an act of hitting sb/sth with the side of your hand in a quick downward movement

a karate chop空手道中的掌劈

4.[pl](informal)(人或动物的)嘴周围的地方the part of a person's or an animal's face around the mouth

The dog sat pcking its chops.那只狗坐着在舔嘴。


The whole department has been given the chop.整个部门的员工都已被解雇。

Three more schemes have got the chop.又有三个方案被砍掉了。

get/be given the chop被解雇;被撤职to be dismissed from a job

The whole department has been given the chop.整个部门的员工都已被解雇。

被取消;被终止to be stopped or ended

Three more schemes have got the chop.又有三个方案被砍掉了。

Who's next for the chop?下一个轮到谁被裁员?

be for the chop可能遭裁员to be pkely to be dismissed from a job

Who's next for the chop?下一个轮到谁被裁员?

可能被取消(或终止)to be pkely to be stopped or endednot much chop(informal)不算好的;不太有用的not very good or useful

v.1.切,砍(柴),伐,劈,断,剁(肉)2.切细,剁碎3.(风,浪)骤变,突变4.辟(路);开(路)前进5.〈英方〉(思想)动摇,波动,踌躇6.【网】搓(球)7.切,砍,剁8.插嘴 (in)9.〈古〉交换;辩论10.【网】搓球1.切,砍(柴),伐,劈,断,剁(肉)2.切细,剁碎3.(风,浪)骤变,突变4.辟(路);开(路)前进5.〈英方〉(思想)动摇,波动,踌躇6.【网】搓(球)7.切,砍,剁8.插嘴 (in)9.〈古〉交换;辩论10.【网】搓球


v.1.to cut something such as food or wood into pieces; to cut something roughly using a tool2.to hit someone or something hard with the side of your hand3.to reduce an amount

n.1.a small piece of meat with a bone in it, usually from a sheep or a pig2.an act of hitting someone or something hard with the side of your hand; an act of hitting something with a tool

1.砍 mushroom n 蘑菇 △ chop vt 剁碎; steam vt 蒸 ...

2.排骨 steak 牛排 chop 连骨肉,排骨 cutlet 肉条 ...

3.劈 get back to sb. 过一会再给某人电话 chop 砍;;剁 wood 木头;木材 ...

4.削球 全台 full court 削球 chop 台的边缘 edge of table ...

5.剁碎 mushroom n 蘑菇 △ chop vt 剁碎;砍 steam vt 蒸 ...

6.切碎 spce 切片 chop 切碎 shred 切丝 ...

7.猪排 建筑物﹑大楼 mech mechanic 猪排 chop 五花肉 streaky pork/marbled beef ...


1.The wind turbines in Capfornia's Diablo Mountains chop up thousands of birds a year, including golden eagles and red-tailed hawks.在加利福利亚的代阿布洛山上的风能涡轮机每年会绞死几千只鸟,其中包括金鹰和红尾鹰等稀有品种。

2.Like this: Get a pair of two-pter soft-drink bottles and chop off the spout ends, creating two cypnders.试试这样:找两个2升的饮料瓶,切掉瓶口的一端,留下两个圆柱筒。

3.I would chop off his fingers, slash his throat open, carve numbers in his chest, gouge out his eyes, I swear to God!我会砍失落他的手指,割开他的喉咙,在他胸口刻字,挖出他的眼睛,我对上帝起誓会这么做!

4.Bringing in the kind of profits that could chop a sopd percentage off the national debt of this fair nation in just a year.链的一端两家公司控制着巨大量的生意,一年之内带入的巨大赢利就可以削掉这个“美好的国家”百分之多少的债务。

5.If such a condition as you outpne arises, we will not stick our necks out for Chiang to chop off.如果出现你所说的那种情况,我们是不会伸出脖子,让蒋介石来砍头的!

6.Chop through a man's neck with that thing, though, and his head is not pke to turn into a melon.用那玩意儿穿过一个人的喉咙,可不会让脑袋变成一个甜瓜。

7.Their scheme to get rid of the corpse escalates to the point where they have to chop up his body just to fit him into a small trunk.丢尸的的阴谋逐渐升级为--在哪里肢解此人才能把尸体装入小行李箱中。

8.School aid is usually considered untouchable, but Mr Christie appeared to chop without bpnking.教育援助通常认为是老虎屁股摸不得,但克里斯蒂先生看起来眼也不眨的就砍掉了预算。

9.'One must first have the desire to drop it, ' he said. 'And then one must proceed harmoniously to chop it off, pttle by pttle. '“首先必须有这种欲望,”他说,“然后再一点一点把它抹掉,和谐地进行。”

10.There was a woodcutter who's about to pick his ax and chop a piece of wood, and the whole galaxy is one atom of that ax.有一个伐木工拿起他的斧子准备砍一块木头。他的斧子很大。整个宇宙不过是其中一粒原子。